Tuesday, November 16, 2021

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Doing hard things can be fun

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about doing hard things. What does it mean to do hard things you might ask? Well... as defined, doing hard things means intentionally taking action toward something that you know will not be easy, and yet the end result will far exceed the effort you will exert and the pain you will suffer. Now let's talk about doing hard things while having fun. But before you say, "Melissa, those two things don't go together at all," consider this... at last weekend's Dogwood Canyon two day trail run event, there were lots of runners who had more fun than should be legal while doing something extremely hard, running the insanely steep Ozark hills. So if you think the two can't go hand in hand, think again. In fact, when we do hard things with friends, the hard things don't seem so hard. And to drive that point home, check out what some of the crazy runners that were seen at Dogwood over the weekend had to say about the importance of continually doing hard things and why they had so much fun intentionally causing themselves pain and suffering. 

Anastasia is in blue

It’s important to me to do hard things because I want to get better as I get older. I want to run marathons and do crazy stuff with my grandson, and maybe even great-grands some day. I want to show my kids and grandkid(s) that you’re never too old to try new things. I also do it for the intrinsic satisfaction of knowing I CAN. Dogwood fit into this because I had NEVER trained or ran on a trail before, and I knew it would be tough. I welcomed that challenge. I got what I bargained for, too, because it was even more difficult than I anticipated. It was also one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. It was the first time I really used my mental strength and didn’t give up because I thought there wasn’t any gas left in the proverbial tank. This was especially true during the 15K because I was on a time crunch and had other places to be that day. All in all, this was one of the most amazing races I’ve ever participated in, and I already reserved my accommodations for next year because I plan to go back. - Anastasia Pizzino

I Do Hard Things to push myself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually outside of my comfort zone. I truly believe grit can be developed and it carries over to every other aspect of your life. I love the community of people and the sense of accomplishment. - Jay Tiegs

I do stupid things like run endurance races with no training and brand new shoes because I have friends who are running coaches (let me just interject that Craig is talking about me here and knows that these things drive me crazy!) and I like to make them uncomfortable. And also because I hate running, but doing it is a mental challenge for me. I know I'm physically capable of doing it, I just have to fight through the urge(s) to quit and make myself finish. That grit carries over to other challenges in life. Keep moving forward and don't f!@#$%& quit. I also have ridiculous friends that I love spending time with, so I sign up for dumb stuff to be around them. I'm contemplating the 50k next year, but I don't know where life will be, so we will see what happens. - Craig Horstman

Roseanne is second from left

I do hard things to push myself beyond my comfort zone. I used to love to linger where things were easy but the older I got the more I realized that there is zero return on taking the easy way out! I now love the challenge of doing hard things like Dogwood or Ragnar and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. I also want to be a good role model for my kids. I want them to see that doing hard things is work but worth it and that they can do anything they set their minds to….if they work hard for it. - Roseanne Newsom

This year I made it a priority to do things that were harder for me and that would push me mentally. Running is that for me. This year I chose to do Dogwood 50k because it was something that was hard. This was the first time I trained for something like this, a run in general. And I am so glad. This course was TOUGH! Dogwood 50k was the toughest thing I’ve ever done. Without the encouragement and people pushing me there’s no way I would have completed it. I don’t think I will do the Dogwood 50k again, but I would definitely do the 25k. We grow through doing hard things, we grow through pushing the threshold. That’s been what I’ve been doing this year and I’ve been more filled than ever. I can’t wait to keep growing as a person and as a runner. And I can’t believe I’m even saying that. - Stephanie Valdivia

It’s important for me to do hard things physically now because most of my life I didn’t believe I could. I lacked the self confidence to step out of my comfort zone and preferred to just exist. After losing weight in 2018 my mindset changed, I decided I wanted to try to do hard things! I wanted to see what I was capable of physically. I reframed the viewpoint that physical activity was a punishment…it became a way to celebrate what my body could do. I knew Dogwood would be a challenge but honestly, I didn’t think it would be too hard, I mean I’ve run an ultra and didn’t die…how hard could it be?! BUT OH MY GOSH how mistaken I was. IT WAS HARD! The uneven ground, the rocks, the ruts and the elevation had me questioning everything. My feet top bottom and toes hurt, ankles, legs, lower back, upper back, arms, everything hurt! I swore during the 25k I would never, ever do it again. This race forced me to dig deep mentally and push through and just keep going. Toward the end I repeated “We can do hard f’ing things” and someone behind me said, “You ARE doing hard things." I had never been happier to see a finish line! At the beginning of the 15k, Melissa (that's me again) asked me if I was ready, and I said NO and meant it….I even told everyone I would never do the 25k again, but by the end of the 15k, I knew I’d be back! Something clicked and I felt accomplished, happy and excited…I started celebrating what my body and mind could do! I knew I’d be back next year for the 25k/15k Challenge again! This time with better training, lol. Also, a huge motivating factor are my crazy friends that do hard things with me, they all inspire me more than they know. Dogwood 25k/15k Challenge 2022 I’m coming for ya! - Angi Betran

Sherry is second from left

I do hard things because I know the day is coming that I will only be cheering from the sidelines rather then participating. I am running on borrowed time as I was supposed to stop over 8 years ago. I remember crying all the way home after talking to my back surgeon. I decided I would run until God made it impossible for me to run anymore. So every time I toe the start line I know it could be my last run and quite possibly my last step. I could end up in a wheelchair and that is okay because I will be there on my own terms. I have one picked out already, and I am okay with that too. I would like to thank my running family and my crazy friends who have enriched my life since the day I met you. I would go to war with/for any of you!!!! I have done these challenges for years now and Lord willing I will return to run it again!!!!! - Sherry Wilson

After being extremely disappointed last year after my Bass Pro half, I had the most amazing experience the following weekend doing the Dogwood Canyon 15K! I felt so much joy while in those woods and a sense of accomplishment when I finished. I made the decision while out there to do the challenge this year. I spent this year training harder than ever only to be derailed by injury for 5 weeks. I was crushed, but I was determined I would do Dogwood whatever it took regardless of injury, even if I had to crawl because I knew I had to do it. I never dreamed it would be so difficult. Doing the 25K was one of the hardest things I have ever done. The hills were brutal. At mile 10 I thought it would never end. However, I also felt the same joy and wonder from the year before. Returning for the 15K the next day was hard, and my body was definitely saying no. But again, I loved it! Throughout this year, I also repeatedly told my friends they had to do it, and they did. Immediately after the race they said never again, but just a few short hours later they all said the same thing I did. Regardless of the suck and the pain, we are all doing it again. I met a new friend on those trails, and on Sunday I told her my life has changed because I have the best friends in my life who challenge me, cheer me on and put me in my place when they need to. I told her when you have people in your life who do hard things, you do hard things. As long as I am able, I will do the Dogwood Challenge. It will suck. It will hurt. It will always be one of the most amazing things EVER! - Rebecca Ito

Do you just love those stories or what? 

I'm second from the right with my crazy friends who I wouldn't trade for anything in the world!

So there you have it friends... there are so many reasons why it's important to push ourselves to continually do hard things and so many more reasons why it's always best to do it with friends... and always the most fun doing it at Dogwood Canyon. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's just something about those hills that makes a person keep coming back. It's been 11 years since I first ran the trails at Dogwood and I look forward to it all year long. God willing, I'll see you all in 2022 and we can do some more hard things together as we laugh and make memories. Who will be joining me???

Happy Running!!!

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