Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about mantras (statements, slogans or motivational phrases repeated frequently) and how they can help you run faster and actually motivate you to keep pressing on to the finish line when you feel like giving up.

So it's no secret that many pro runners, including Eluid Kipchoge, Des Linden, Shalane Flanagan, and Sara Hall use mantras to keep their minds focused, or as Erin Haugen, Ph.D., a sports psychologist based in Grand Forks, ND, says, "engaged in the run. "When you're running, your brain is taking in a massive amount of data: the scenery, the weather, your thoughts, your emotions, how your body feels, whether you're hitting your pace, etc." When you're uncomfortable, she says, you tend to focus on the negative—how heavy your legs feel or how strong the wind is in your face. But science shows that focusing on that will negatively impact your rate of perceived exertion (how hard an activity feels). "Mantras help us cue into something positive that is occurring or that we want to occur," explains Haugen. "They also prime us to experience or notice positive emotions that can help us think more productively about the task at hand."

So with that in mind, let's look at some of the mantras the professionals use:

"no human is limited" - Eliud Kipchoge (repeats it and wears it on a bracelet)

"calm, calm, calm. Relax, relax, relax," - Des Linden

"cold execution" - Shalane Flanagan

"relax and roll" - Sara Hall

Now, let's take a look at some of the mantras local runners use and how the personal motivational phrases they've adopted helps them run faster and/or motivate themselves to make it the finish line. 

You’re capable of more than you think! - Lisa Seachord

I’ve got a few....
“You pass out before you die”
“See the finish”
“You aren’t a quitter”
“Never ever forget why you do this”
During a really long run I ask myself what hurts and what can I do to change it. - Brenda L. Maine

For me, "it’s just something I’m gonna do." - John Everett

Paul with his grandson

My 8 year old grandson during his 5k last weekend started saying “ can’t stop, won’t stop" - Paul Cutbirth (By the way, it was Paul's grandson's first race and he took second!! Proof that mantras work!)

“Because my friends did it” - Rebecca Ito

I hear one of my sons coach’s saying over and over..”just say you will….SAY YOU WILL!” - Julia Witt

I try to think more in terms of dedication and determination than motivation. I feel like motivation wears off after a while. On those days I don't want to do the things, or when things get hard, I remind myself that "I'm dedicated and determined to keep moving forward and that I can't break a promise I made to myself" - Ashley Hopkins

"Just keep moving forward and one foot in front of the other." It’s helped me get through those tough, long trail runs when I’m solo and suffering. Just keep repeating while playing mind math games with the mileage that’s left to get it done. - Lisa Weber Stokes

“I can and I will” I have spent so much time in life thinking I can’t do things, as I have learned over the last few years I can do way more than I ever imagined. - Gretchen Puett

Especially while I was in Florida where it was ridiculously hot for a ridiculously long time I would tell myself, "Just think how much this is going to pay off once it cools down!" And then there were those years when it never cooled down, but nevertheless, I lived in hope. - Leah Nelson

"Regret makes a hard pillow" and "God is honored in excellence" are my go-to mantras. The first stemmed from my first 100 mile race when I was tempted to bow out at mile 67 until my teenage son said this... "Either way morning is going to come Mom. And you will either keep going and wake up a winner or give up and wake up with regret." I will never forget those words... NEVER. Regret sucks! And the other reminds me that I must give my absolute best as Paul talked about in Romans 12:1. - Melissa Martinez 

"You NEVER regret doing it, you always regret not doing it." And I usually just put my running clothes on, helps to motivate me. - Jeanette Luttrell

“One foot in front of the other” Simple, to the point, and keeps me going. - Casey Bladdick

“I’m not dead yet!” from Monty Python. I was half kidding…but honestly when I’m working out, I’m thinking only about getting the work done. Hence, “I’m not dead yet!” if the workout is particularly rough. - Matt Windsor

“Hills make you stronger” in running, in cycling, and in life. - Pete Groce

"Be strong and courageous…He will not leave you nor forsake you." (Deut 31:6). I use this because it gives me strength and reminds me that He is right there with me running beside me, like pacing me. - Larry Sharp

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." Magical things happen when you step outside of your comfort zone. It’s only ever been the uncomfortable things, the things I take leaps of faith and dive head first into the unknown, that have been extraordinary and life changing. That’s so true of my fitness journey, especially with running and joining crossfit. When I got this medal rack, it was empty of medals for YEARS, only race bibs. Then one day I won a 3rd place medal and from there I got more and more accomplishments, until now I need a new one! Something I never thought. In addition to getting outside your comfort zone, working incredibly hard to achieve something you once thought was impossible is also an extraordinary feeling. Like me running a half this weekend!!!It helps me to remember where I came from, the incredible things I’ve done, the hard work and accomplishments that lay ahead of me. Just keep chopping the wood! - Taylor Samuels

Wow! Those are some good ones aren't they? I really like "Just keep chopping the wood." It's a great reminder to keep swinging no matter what comes your way. And just as Taylor won't mind me using her mantra, the other runners (me included) won't mind if you adopt their mantra as your own as well. In fact, I'm sure they'd be downright flattered (I know I would be). But hey, if one of these is not for you, find your own. You'll be glad you did. Now quit saying, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" and get out there and say, "I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!" The Bass Pro Marathon/Half and Dogwood Canyon trail runs are right around the corner and you have training to do!!!

Happy Running!!!

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