Monday, May 17, 2021

Encouragement is fuel

"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24 NIV


Mike Herzog is a federal public servant by day, but in the early hours of each morning through May, he's a moving, one-man cheering section for the front-line health-care workers he calls heroes. Herzog has committed to running 14 kilometres each day around The Ottawa Hospital's General campus and CHEO. His initiative is part of a larger volunteer movement called Ottawa Heroes. "I can't save lives, but at least I can support the people who are," said the 47-year-old. Herzog zips along sidewalks and bike paths carrying a bilingual sign of thanks. When he comes across hospital personnel in scrubs and lanyards during the 7 a.m. shift change, he calls out a heartfelt thank you.... Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng is among the many front-line health-care workers who appreciate Herzog's efforts. "It just screams to us that somebody ... is just really appreciative of the dedication and sacrifice," Kyeremanteng said. "So to have that level of encouragement, it's fuel." Do you just love this story or what? 
And you know, encouragement certainly is fuel for the soul--whether by speech or by deeds, the act of giving someone support, confidence or hope can, many times, make all the difference in whether that person presses on or gives up. It's true in running and it's true in life; which is the very reason the Bible tells us that "gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Pleasant, kind and polite words spoken at the right time literally have the power to refresh and restore a person's mind, body and spirit. Words really do have that much power!

So look for people who need encouragement today and every day friends, and then find ways to uplift, hearten, fortify, and cheer those people on. You'll not only motivate them to forge ahead by doing so but will inspire that same resolve to do so within yourself. It's truly a win-win, isn't it? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for those people in the world who find joy in planting seeds of encouragement. Help us to be those people Lord who encourage our fellow brothers and sisters to keep pressing on, especially when things get hard. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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