Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Don't put off the decision

"And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.'" Luke 23:42-43 ESV

On Sunday, May 2, runner Harmon Velie, 66 of Akron, Ohio, was running the Hall of Fame Half Marathon when he collapsed on the back half of the course less than a half-mile from the finish line. Velie, who was given CPR, was transported to Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital where he died. "He was running the (half) marathon with his daughter and joked he'd beat her time," colleague and close friend Mike L. told the Canton Repository. Velie had been running for about 20 years. "Despite some recent health issues, he was cleared to run by his doctor three weeks before the marathon" Mike L. said. Velie, who was known as a "recovery icon" for his tireless work through Alcoholics Anonymous, left behind a wife and four children to mourn his passing. Marathon Executive Director Jim Chaney said Monday, "We are devastated to learn that we lost a fellow runner, and their family are in our thoughts and prayers...I am sad that this happened. It's tragic."

And you know, if tragic can be defined as causing or involving great sadness because someone suffers or dies, Velie's death wasn't truly tragic unless he died not having given his life to Christ. You see, death is not the end for anyone. It is the beginning of an eternity either spent in heaven or in hell; an eternal destination determined by a person's choice on this earth to either accept Jesus as their Savior in which case they go to heaven, or reject Him in which case they go to hell. And while the thief on the cross was blessed to have the opportunity to accept Jesus as his Savior just moments before he died and so heard the words, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise," no one's next breath is guaranteed. 

So if you've been saying, "I'll follow Jesus after I've had all my fun," or "maybe tomorrow I'll make that decision," don't put it off my friend. Because as this story clearly shows, life for anyone can end in a split second--something that, for the unbeliever, would indeed be tragic. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us just how fleeting life can be. Lord, please cause each one of us to truly comprehend how long eternity is and how horrible hell is that we would not only make the decision to follow You today if we haven't already but would warn others about the dangers of dying without accepting Christ. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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