Thursday, March 25, 2021

We have a Helper who is always with us

"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever;" John 14:26 NASB

As you can imagine, running a 100 mile race is no easy feat. It takes months and sometimes years of training, preparation and planning. But you know what else it takes? People to help the runner get from the start line to the finish line; a fact that I was keenly aware of yesterday while sending out texts and emails to four of my amazing friends who volunteered to take shifts to support me at this weekend's Prairie Spirit Trail 100 race. One of them, Robin, would be showing up at the start line to pray with me and provide encouragement while Angel would join her later in the day to help transport supplies and tend to my nutritional and physical needs before Rachel would take all those duties over for the night shift. And you can't forget Gretchen. Gretchen is the friend that will join me at mile 69 (God willing I make it that far) to pace me for the last 31 miles of the race. Are those amazing friends or what? I surely think so and I am eternally grateful to God for each and every one of them.

But you know, while friends can most definitely serve as great helpers, they can't always be with us. Thankfully, though, we have "another Helper" who promised to be with us forever no matter where this life may lead us. And that Helper is the Holy Spirit whom Jesus, before announcing to the disciples that He would be going away very soon, promised He would leave with them and with us. To our great benefit, this Helper not only dwells in us but guides, guards, protects, counsels, teaches, leads, comforts, supports, encourages, strengthens and uplifts us; while also advocating and interceding for us when needed. Is that amazing or what? The Holy Spirit is the Friend who never ever leaves our side. 

So if you have yet to know this Friend and Helper that will never leave you nor forsake you, I invite you to do that today. It will truly be the best decision you could ever make. And if you think you're unworthy, think again my friend. The Bible tells us that everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved, no matter what they've done. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we are never alone. The Holy Spirit is always with us and here to help us. Thank You for this gift and for loving us despite our imperfections, flaws and and shortcomings. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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