Monday, March 22, 2021

Finish the course

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;" 2 Timothy 4:7 NASB

If you're not familiar with the Barkley Marathons, you've most likely never done a search for races that are virtually impossible to complete. In fact, only 15 runners have ever finished the five laps it takes to conquer the infamous course under the cutoff time since the race started in 1986. That didn't keep sixteen of the nation's best ultra runners from attempting it on Thursday, March 18 though. But as reported by Runner's World on March 20, this was the third year in a row that yielded no finishers--only two of the runners were even able to complete a third loop, something that took the duo nearly 40 hours to do but still wasn't good enough for them to make the cutoff to begin the fourth loop. It's no wonder then that, "The course at the Barkley Marathons has won again" was the sentence that summed up the event. 

And you know, as hard and arduous as the Barkley Marathons course is to complete, it pales in comparison to the "course" that Paul told Timothy he had finished--a course that was marked with trials, temptations, persecutions, beatings, imprisonment, shipwrecks, and so much more. But through it all, Paul kept the faith and kept fighting the "good fight." He did not waver in his love for Christ, he did not compromise the Truth to "fit in," he did not give in to doubt or fear, and he did not give up on the calling God had placed on him to share the Good News. All of this, you can be sure, wasn’t easy for Paul to endure just as it won’t be easy for us... especially as we see how the world is changing by the hour. But you know what it will be? It will be worth it!

So if you're feeling like giving up today, let me encourage you to keep pressing on my friend. This world and everything in it will soon pass including what might seem like the hardest loop or race of your life. Keep fighting, keep the faith and finish the course. I promise you it will be worth the effort. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we aren't the only ones who have faced trials and tribulations in this life. Help us to understand how truly short-lived our troubles are in light of the prize we will receive if we will just keep running the race until we reach the finish line. Give us the strength to keep pressing on Lord and to speak Truth no matter what it costs us. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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