Sunday, March 21, 2021

Our afflictions are only momentary

"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison," 2 Corinthians 4:17 ESV

As I excitedly prepared to lead another free monthly Donut Run 5k that our running group hosts as an outreach on the third Saturday of every month, I felt led to check my Facebook memories before heading out the door. "Oh my," I thought as I began to cry over the post I had written on that same day in 2020; a post inspired by my early morning run, a run that began in cold wind and darkness with a heart uncertain as to what this new virus that had caused the world to "shut down" had in store. "So thankful for a God who always causes the sun to rise no matter how dark the mornings might appear," I wrote. I then used the hashtag "this too shall pass" along with a few others. "That March 2020 Donut Run was the only one in nearly seven years we ever had to cancel," I thought to myself as I then smiled. "Thank you Lord for proving yourself once again to be good and faithful during a period that will forever be known as the 'COVID-19 Pandemic.' You never left my side and You caused this 'affliction' to achieve so much good in my life and in the life of every true believer."

And you know, while "this too shall pass" is not an actual verse in the Bible as many people might think, it is certainly a phrase that reminds us, as Paul told the believers in Corinth, that the "light momentary" afflictions we will face in this world will not last forever. In fact, our hardships are not only fleeting when compared to our time in eternity but will appear minor when we consider all that God has in store for those who endure them and don't lose faith--something that should give every believer hope as we further consider that every trial, test and trouble we endure has the purpose of "preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison."  

So if you're feeling overwhelmed and weighed down by the problems, worries, and difficulties of the world today, take heart my friend. This too, whatever the "this" is, shall soon pass and you and I will be in eternity with our blessed Savior. Isn’t that a wonderful promise?

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God who can always be trusted. You have never once broken a promise which gives us complete confidence that You won't start now. Help us to endure the pain and problems of this world by remembering that they are only fleeting and are preparing us for something so much greater. Thank You for being with us each and every step of the way to help us navigate life. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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