Monday, November 26, 2018

Make the change

"'And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. Then Jesus told them, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.'" Matthew 13:57

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One of the reasons I love coaching Couch-to-5k programs so much is watching the way running changes the participants - particularly the increased confidence they gain and the love of the sport this lifestyle change brings even after the program ends. Changes that don't go unnoticed by the families of these new runners either, as recent graduate Frances acknowledged in a post over Thanksgiving, "Sometimes you have to sneak out before daylight to get your run in. Now to face those 'where have you been looks.'" 

And you know, anytime a person makes a drastic life-style change, especially if they've made the decision to follow Jesus, non-believing friends and family might not understand or even accept it. But that doesn't mean it's the time to give up - but rather the time to be patient and prayerful that this new found transformation would result in a lifestyle change in us so dramatic and admirable that others would be drawn to make the same decision to accept Christ because of it. 

So if this is you today, remember this my friend. Jesus' friends and family didn't understand or accept Him when He left Nazareth as a carpenter's son and returned changed. He knows what you're going through and you're not alone. Don't give up. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that as believers we will face opposition and rejection in this world and even in our own homes. Help us to press on in spite of this that we might be an example to others through the way we live that making the decision to follow Jesus is the best decision anyone could ever make. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Changed - Jordan Feliz

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