Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Take what you need

"Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure...Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure," Psalm 16:5,9

I recently watched something that caught my attention. As part of a social experiment, Coby Persin walked the streets of New York City wearing a suit made of money and carrying a sign that read, "Take what you need." It was shocking to see so many people who obviously didn't need anything greedily take it anyway. And not one of the takers even thanked Coby or considered that there might be nothing left for someone who really did need it-until he made the offer to what appeared to be a homeless man. The man, holding on to his dog, took only two dollars saying it was all he needed for today and asked that the rest be given to someone else that needed it.

Do you realize that the latest global statistic shows that if a person has a roof over his head and a meal on the table, he is richer than 93 percent of the world's population? Yet we are still wanting more! In the United States alone, most households carry an average of $16,000 in credit card debt. Scripture tells us that, whoever has money never has enough and whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income (Ecclesiastes 5:10). But the Psalmist David knew what was of greater value than any possession or dollar amount he, you or I could ever obtain... the Lord. Because of that knowledge he wrote, "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure"

This Thanksgiving holiday, what are you most thankful for? If it's for material things or wealth, you will never have enough but if it's for Christ, He will always be enough. So take what you need but always need what you take and leave something for someone else that they might see Christ in you. 

Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Heavenly Father, this Thanksgiving holiday, may our hearts be glad and our tongues rejoice for the great things you have done. Thank you for giving us all we need and for showing us that all we really need is You. May we be overwhelmed with thanksgiving at that thought and shout out praises to your Name! It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Money Suit Social Experiment 

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