Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wake up child

Wake up child

"With God all things are possible."  Matthew 19:26

One of the greatest lies the devil ever told is that we can't make a difference because we are only one person. Unfortunately, he's still spreading that garbage today and people, even Christians,  actually believe it.

If you have the power of Christ living in you, there is nothing you can't do.  Nothing is too hard for God.  Not the marriage that needs fixing, the soul that needs forgiveness or the addiction that needs to be broken.  As Christians, it is our duty and responsibility to help others find Jesus.

So, you're only one person right?  You don't have anything to offer right?  Well, let me tell you something, you're wrong!  Very, very wrong.  Paul was only one person and he witnessed to millions bringing them to Christ.  In fact, through his God inspired words (he wrote a great portion of the new testament), he is still saving souls.  Abraham was only one person and he was the father of "many nations". Genesis 17:4  Moses was only one person and he, with God's power, parted the Red Sea leading the Israelites to safety and drowning all of Pharaoh's great army.  And, none of them had anything unusual to offer.  In fact, Paul was one of the worst sinners recorded in the bible and Abraham and Moses were ordinary people just like us. Ordinary people with an extraordinary purpose and an extraordinary belief in God.

That's the difference.  They chose to believe and they chose to follow Christ.  At the sake of giving up everything they had, they followed!  The bible is full of so many one persons and  countless stories of these ordinary people changing the world.  Through Christ, anything is possible.

Don't buy into Satan's lie that you can't help anyone.  You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one person.  Isn't that worth all that you have to give?  Isn't it worth it to try?  He can give you the purpose, strength and power if you just believe.  Ordinary people doing extraordinary things... yep, through Christ, "All things are possible."

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word to give us strength.  Thank You for the saints who have gone before us to show Your faithfulness throughout time.  May we have the same trust in You and the same desire as they did to do Your will.  If we help even one person Lord, remind us that it was worth it!!!  In Your precious and holy name Jesus, Amen. 

Happy Running!!

Pay special attention to the end of the song.  Very powerful and a reminder that we can make a difference.

  2nd Annual Prairie Spirit Trail Ultra Race Saturday, 29 March 2014 Ottawa, Kansas Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail. Please support them. Sponsor Team 413 at or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992 Missouri Team 413 Ambassador Melissa Martinez Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center. The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at

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