Monday, March 10, 2014

Don't go down with the ship

Don't go down with the ship

"I believe God."  Acts 27:25

It's so easy to get up in church or bible study and tell similar minded people that you believe God.  It's also easy to say you believe God when things are going well and there's no reason to cry out for help.  But what about those times when a storm is raging?  The times when you have no control?

Acts 27 describes one of three shipwrecks that the apostle Paul endured.  Paul experienced many trials in his life and this journey was no different.  He was being transported to Rome for trial along with many other prisoners.  It's been said that the true metal of a person shines forth in the fires of testing and Crises reveal character.  This trip was to test Paul's character in a huge way.

This particular journey was one of the most prolonged and intense crisis he had probably endured.  As the ship encountered a raging storm, the experienced sailors on board seemed to declare there was "no hope" The situation seemed so doomed that the soldiers were going to kill the prisoners to prevent their escape in the event of running ashore.  All reason said that the ship was too small, the load too heavy and the distance too great.

Have you ever been at this point in your life?  At the point where you just know, unless a miracle happens, you are going to drown?  It's at the time of deliverance from that situation that you will feel the greatness of God.   Take courage my friend.  He will provide a way out.  It's when we get to the place of "no hope" that God begins to work.

God spoke to Paul, saying "Do not be afraid Paul." Acts 27:24, and Paul answered by saying, "I believe". He didn't believe the experienced sailors or the guards about the outcome of the ship in the storm, He believed God!!!  As the ship was being tossed around, waves crashing over the deck, I can picture him lifting his head in victory saying, "I believe God."  And, what a witness he was by his faith.  Through his prayers, everyone on board was saved!

Just like Paul, you have a choice to believe God or believe your circumstances.  He has a promise for every trial, test, need and temptation we can ever face.  Self chooses to believe our circumstances, but Faith shouts I believe God!!!   Praise Him in the storm and trust Him to bring you through it.

Heavenly Father, thank you for being with us through every trial, test and and need.  You are the strength we need to declare victory in any situation.  Help us to remember to believe in You in the times of "no hope."  In your precious name Jesus, Amen. 

Happy Running!!

Members of TEAM 413 – GRACERUNNER MINISTRIES, INC. are raising funds to provide free Ultrasounds to women experiencing un-planned or crisis pregnancies in Pulaski County by completing the 100 mile Prairie Spirit Trail 100 & 50 Mile Ultra Races on Saturday, March 29, 2014 in Ottawa Kansas. Melissa and her teammates will endeavor to complete the 100-mile Ultra Race along the Prairie Spirit Trail within the 30 hour cutoff time.
Please support them.
Sponsor Team 413 at
or call 573-433-6684 or 573-774-4992. All money raised will go towards training volunteer technicians and ultrasound maintenance at the Free Women’s Center.
The Free Women’s Center empowers as many individuals as possible to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of human life. The Center offers free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal education, and financial & material assistance. Learn more at

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