Thursday, June 9, 2022

He is worth seeking first

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 BSB

As I set my alarm to wake up at 4:45 am yesterday so I could get in some quality Bible study, prayer time, and then a run spent meditating on what I had read (what the verses meant, what the verses specifically meant to me, and what the Lord wanted me to do with the Knowledge that had been revealed) before my morning conference, I had to laugh. "Most people would take advantage of this working vacation," I thought to myself. Here I was in Kansas City for a three day convention staying at the luxurious Hilton Hotel with it's nice cushy bed and many amenities and I set my alarm even earlier than I do at home. But I do this because I know that starting off my day getting into God's Word to exercise my spiritual body and then getting in some miles to exercise my physical body will reap dividends later. Not only does this nonnegotiable morning routine leave me feeling mentally alert and better capable of doing my job but armed and ready for whatever the day holds and any "job" the Lord might have in store for me. 

And you know, when it comes to the priority of things in our lives, there's a reason the Bible tells us to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness" above everything else on our to-do list. You see, when you and I prioritize the Lord, "all these things will be added." In other words, when you and I commit to find and do the will of God, to ally ourselves totally with His purpose for us, our lives come into perfect balance and we are rewarded with the peace, fellowship, discernment, focus, and direction that only God can give us. Seeking Him first reaps rewards unparalleled by anything else that we could ever do before starting our day. 

So knowing the immeasurable benefits of starting the day off seeking Him first, make God your utmost, greatest, and highest priority my friend. The fellowship spent with the Father in quiet study, prayer, meditation and reflection will have you smiling all day in ways nothing else can. 

Heavenly Father thank You for reminding us that You are the only thing worth seeking above everything else. Lord, compel us to make time for this each and every day, no matter where we might be or what might be on our agenda, that we might serve You to the best of our ability and be on fire for the mission You give us for the day. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running! 

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