Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something the majority of people forget to take into account when making the decision whether they will or will not do something... life is short. As defined, those three words are a proverb meaning that one should make the most of one's life, as you never know when you will die. It's that not knowing when you'll breathe your last breath then, whether you're 28 or 88, that should motivate you to take chances and to do crazy things while you still can. Living with the knowledge that "life is short" is something I strive to do each and every day.

Which is the very reason I had to smile when I read local runner Samantha Boeh's social media post on Monday:
A few weeks ago, someone posted that a group needed a runner for the KT82, a race that I’ve been wanting to do for years. After I initially saw the post, I thought about responding that I would join, but I was hesitant because after no running for 9 months due to injury, I wasn’t trained to be prepared for the race. I debated for about a week, prayed about it, and talked with a friend about running. “Do it Samantha. Life is short. Take chances. Do crazy things. You only regret what you don’t do,” was her response. So, I responded to the post saying I would join the team. Needless to say, running with strangers was going to be a bit scary, I mean people are crazy these days, but, let me tell you these strangers are amazing people, and race day was just wonderful. Even though we had never met, we made a cohesive team from the start. Running an 82 mile relay with this group was such a blessing, and I was happy to be part of the team! It was tough. The heat tried to get the best of us, but we supported, encouraged, and hydrated all day. Muscles became sore…we rolled, taped, and even dry needled to stay fresh. The mental challenges were the worst. We got tired, but we didn’t let it get the best of us! (Thank you, Nate Boeh for sending me encouragement and supporting me through this.) Thanks for the words, Melissa Martinez. I am glad that I took a chance and did a crazy thing! I hope that one day I can do it again but be better trained next time around. Thank you to all my teammates that made the KT82 a wonderfully memorable day, and most importantly thank you for allowing me to join the team!

As you might have guessed by now, “Do it Samantha. Life is short. Take chances. Do crazy things. You only regret what you don’t do” were the words I spoke to my friend in an effort to encourage her to step out of her comfort zone and experience life as it's meant to be experienced! These are also words I’ve been speaking to myself for many years, having gained the knowledge that I only have the here and now and that tomorrow is never guaranteed. And let me tell you what... I have never ever regretted stepping out of my comfort zone, taking chances and doing crazy things! And neither did she on this day!! I mean just check out the smile Samantha had on her face AFTER doing the crazy thing she was debating!

So there you have it friends. This is more proof that living a life without disappointments over missed opportunities is well worth the effort and the temporary pain of stepping out of your comfort zone. It is also something that will grant you peaceful sleep at night. Why? Because as I've always said, "Regret makes a very hard pillow." For this reason, take chances friends. Do crazy things and be thankful that the knowledge that "life is short" causes you to pursue a life with no regrets. 

Happy Running!

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