Thursday, June 23, 2022

Build your spiritual muscle

"Search for the LORD and for his strength; continually seek him." 1 Chronicles 16:11 NLT

In an article titled, "Want to Build Muscle? Here’s What You Need to Know to Make It Happen" posted by Runner's World recently, the writer said: If you want to be a successful runner, you need to be a strong runner. And that means you need some muscle on your bones. It’s common for runners to shy away from building muscle mass—and strength training, for that matter, which helps you build that mass—but doing so has many benefits. For example, research suggests that strength training and building muscle can improve your performance and help prevent injury. Building muscle can also help you live longer, according to research. And one study also finds a link between runners with more lean muscle mass and better bone mineral density and content. The writer then went on to describe how the body builds muscle, saying it was a combination of overloading the muscle through strength training, and then allowing it to rebuild itself through rest and taking in an adequate amount of protein. In other words, running helps build muscle but diet and strength training are important factors in changing a person's body composition. 

And you know, when it comes to building spiritual muscle or increasing our spiritual strength and power, the Bible tells us that we are to "Search for the Lord and his strength" and to "continually seek him." This searching is the act of looking for something thoroughly, intently and carefully until that "thing" is found and the seeking, similarly, is actively and intentionally attempting to find something until that "thing" is found. And since we will never know all there is to know about God or be at the point when our faith has reached maturity with no more room to grow, the act of searching and continually seeking to know Him will grow our faith and our knowledge. 

So make it a point to grow your spiritual muscle my friend by picking up your Bible daily, lifting up your hands in praise, and seeking and searching to know Him. This will be the best exercise you will ever get and will reap dividends into eternity. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we become stronger spiritually when we "work out" by reading the Word and meditating on it. Give us a passion to do this each and every day Lord that we, by Your strength, will continue to grow our spiritual muscles. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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