Sunday, April 5, 2020

The distractions are gone

"Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!'" Matthew 21:8-9 ESV

Easter Evidence: What Do the “Autopsies” of Jesus Reveal ...

For as long as I can remember Christmas morning has always been my favorite time to run. You see, no matter where my family and I happened to be in any given year so far - whether in the city or in the country - Christmas has always been the one day when the sounds of the world were quieted so that the sounds of God's creation could be heard... for a few precious hours anyway. So as I set out on my run early yesterday morning, intent on preparing my heart for Palm Sunday and the online worship that I would take part in later, my heart smiled. Just like on Christmas morning, there was no noise anywhere! Just the sounds of all creation singing His praises.... praises that were also sung by the people the day Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem while the people shouted, “‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”

And you know, in a bit of irony, for as long as I can recall, the weeks leading up to Easter have always been filled with the noises of the world too. Sounds of kids hunting for eggs, trips to the mall for new clothes or pictures with the Easter 'bunny', and excursions to the store to gather things to fill the holiday baskets or prepare the holiday meal. In fact, there is normally so much noise and confusion surrounding this holiday that a study by the Barna Group revealed that few Americans even know Easter's true meaning which is the story at the very heart of Christianity.

So during this unprecedented time in history when the world has been forced to slow down, let us be still and listen for the voice of God as we consider His timing. I mean, just think about it friends. In one week, you and I will be celebrating the true meaning of Easter - the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ - without any of the noise or distractions we once had to take away from worshiping the Savior. And doesn’t the thought of that make your heart smile too?

Heavenly Father, your timing is always perfect and for that we thank You. We know You are always working things out for our good and for your glory. At this time that we prepare our hearts to celebrate the death and resurrection of your Son that brought us the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, bring us into a renewed relationship with you Lord. And please give us the opportunities and boldness to share the true meaning of Easter with the lost. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. . 

Happy Running!!!

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