Tuesday, April 28, 2020

MIDWEEK MOTIVATION Choose to be exceptional

Hello runner friends! Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how you and I weren't made to be average!

Okay, so while everyone is saying, "I can't wait for things to go back to 'normal'", let's talk about what normal really means... it means being usual or average. And what does average mean? Mediocre... Yuck! Who wants to go back to that?? Let's choose to be exceptional instead. What do you think??

Smiling runner woman rising her arms after wining trail running ...

But let me clarify something first. Being exceptional does not mean being an Olympic runner or even being a Boston Qualifier. In fact, being an exceptional runner has nothing really to do with speed. It's all about being "greater than usual" by being better than we were yesterday. And isn't constantly striving to be better something only exceptional people do? Of course. Average people settle for mediocrity. So how can we stop being average?

Let's look at seven habits of highly exceptional runners. And don't worry if you can't incorporate them all into your life. Make small changes! They add up quickly. And keep in mind too that the key to being exceptional is being better than you were yesterday, not having a total life transformation in 24 hours. So here we go.


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1. RUN IN THE MORNING. Because they know if it doesn't get done before the day begins, they might not have the time or energy for it later. And they also know that exercise sets the tone for the whole day making them more likeable (you know how those endorphins work) and more productive. And get this... did you know that the majority of runners who stick with it for life are morning runners? But hey, if you're a night owl, run at night. Just be consistent. 

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2. HAVE SEVERAL SHORT AND LONG TERM GOALS. For instance, a short term goal could be shaving 10 seconds off your pace or learning more about fartleks while a long term goal could be running a marathon or tackling a trail run for the first time. But let me remind you, the best long term goal to have is to be able to run for life, which brings us to number three. 

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3. TAKE CARE OF THEIR BODIES. Exceptional runners know what they put in is what they get out. They value healthy eating and they embrace recovery and rest. That's why they love sleep! And they have also learned to never run through pain - yes, this is learned behavior because it does not normally come natural to runners. Just ask one of them. I guarantee the greater majority will admit to having run through pain and they will remember where it got them. I, for one, admit to having done it (sadly more than once). 

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4. CONSISTENTLY WORK ON BECOMING STRONGER. They know that resistance training is crucial. It not only fixes muscle imbalances thus preventing a lot of injuries but builds power and speed to help a runner maintain proper form. And this makes a runner way more efficient. But you know what else? Exceptional runners strive to get stronger mentally every day too by being mindful of their thought patterns and consistently working to make the words they speak to themselves and about themselves positive. The combination of these two definitely helps to make a well-rounded athlete. And remember, you don't need a gym. Grab a yoga mat and use your own body weight. Exceptional runners don't make excuses!

5. RUN WITH FRIENDS OFTEN. But not just any friends. Exceptional runners find people who make them better. People who lift them up and inspire them to make big goals, to not give up when things get hard, and who genuinely care about them. Exceptional runners know they need others. So if you have friends like this, count yourself blessed. But if you don't, find some! It will literally transform your training and help you stick with running over the long haul.

6. PRACTICE HUMILITY. This is perhaps the most important thing a successful runner does. Why? Because a humble runner recognizes that they aren't perfect. They know there is always room for improvement and so they are willing to accept guidance and constructive criticism. In other words, they are highly coachable (this is so important! take that from a running coach) and so excel quickly. They acknowledge that their talent is God-given and so aren't prideful or boastful. They are conscious of their words and say and do things to lift up those around them. And they are gentle and patient with themselves and others, even when undergoing trials or working through injuries.

7. LIVE IN THE MOMENT. What does that mean? A successful runner knows the value of each day, each moment and each step. They live in the moment, appreciative of every run - good and bad. They pay careful attention to what's around them and express gratitude for beautiful sunrises, sunsets, rainstorms and snowfalls. They are happy when they breathe in the smells of spring and happy again to breathe in the brutal coldness of winter. An exceptional runner enjoys the whole journey. 

And on a final note, you and I have only this one life. It is a gift and the way we live it is up to us. But I guarantee that when you and I die, no one will remember how fast we ran or any great running feat we ever accomplished. But they will remember the way we treated them and the words we spoke. So by all means enjoy running my friends. It is definitely a gift. But make sure it counts! Show kindness to others along the way, slow down from time to time to enjoy the beauty of nature, be mindful, be grateful, be joyful and enjoy every minute the Lord grants you. After all, each day is a blessing.

Happy Running!!!

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