Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pure joy

"But the joy that you have given me is more than they will ever have with all their grain and wine." Psalm 4:7 GNT

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Stepping up to the check-in booth before the start of Sunday's Dogwood Canyon 50k trail run, I frantically explained my dilemma, "I left my bib in my hotel room. Do I need to hurry back and get it or can I get a replacement?" "Of course you can get a replacement!" my dear friend Melissa, who just happens to be the race director, said as she smiled and graciously handed me a new one. But upon a quick glance, I realized the bib was for the wrong distance. "I don't mind taking this one if it doesn't matter though," I said as I held it out. "Oh no," Melissa replied. "It does matter. You'll get the wrong medal if you cross the finish line with this bib." "That's okay," I laughed as she went ahead and made the exchange. "I don't do it for the medal." 

And you know what? I really don't participate in these events for the medals. I run races for the opportunities they provide to encourage fellow participants, to share the Good News of the Gospel and because I love spending alone time with the Lord - time where there are no distractions and I can simply bask in His creation and enjoy His presence. And like the psalmist who professed that "the joy" the Lord had given him was more precious than all the “grain and wine” he could ever possess, "the joy" the presence of the Lord gives me "is more" precious than all the medals I could ever possess. 

So if life has emptied you of your joy today my friend, I encourage you to spend some time in the Word and then go outside for a walk or a run. I can assure you the alone time with the Lord will have you smiling as you experience the pure and lasting joy that comes only from being in His presence.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the incomparable joy that can only be found in your Presence. There is nothing in this world - no medal, no trophy and no amount of "grain and wine" - that could ever compare to it Lord. Give us a tenacious passion to seek this time with You each and every day that the world would see Your people overflowing with joy. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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