Thursday, November 21, 2019

Let the redeemed say so

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe," Psalm 107:1,2 NIV

Image result for people praising god pic

When my teenage daughter started off her sentence by calling me Mother rather than the usual mom, I knew it was serious. "Mother," my daughter, Hope, said. "My friend told me today that her mother saw you early yesterday morning running around the track at the school." "And what's wrong with that?" came my reply. "Well apparently she also heard you! She said you were singing praise songs and raising your hands in the air. Do you think you could possibly stop that?" she asked evidently embarrassed by my actions. After laughing, I looked squarely into my daughter's eyes and smiled as I said,"I can't honey. And I won't. I am literally so overjoyed at what the Lord has done for me that praise just pours out." 

And you know what? I will forever rejoice, sing songs of praise and "give thanks to the Lord, for he is good." And I will also share my story of salvation with anyone who will listen. You see, not only did the Lord pay the ultimate price by sending His only Son to die on the cross to redeem me from my sins and give me a new life but "his love" for me "endures forever." Did you get that forever part? And guess what? If you're a believer, you too have the same reason to rejoice, sing songs of praise, "give thanks" and to share your story of salvation as well. 

So if you have been redeemed, are now a new creation, and know how much God loves you, will you share your testimony with others? I sure hope so my friend, because our stories have the power to save lives by inspiring the lost and the lonely to reach out to the only One we know who has life-changing power. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the millions of reasons we have to be thankful each and every day. You are so very very good to us. Lord help us to truly understand the enormity of what it means to be redeemed or bought back at a price that we would be unable to contain our praises or withhold our testimonies from anyone who will listen. Help us to be bold in sharing our stories Lord so the lost might be drawn to You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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