Monday, August 5, 2019

Be a good steward

"The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all." Psalm 89:11 NLT

In their attempt to be better stewards of the earth's resources, the Runners' Edge of Missoula, Montana decided to "go green" for their four-race trail series ending with the Snowbowl 15k held last Saturday. They said that by making an easy shift to reusable cups that were placed in a bucket when the runners were done, they eliminated the need for the nearly 20,000 disposable cups they used the previous year to hydrate the runners who participated in the 9.3-mile trail run. Race Director Anders Bookers said they've seen positive changes since deciding to be more environmentally friendly, "We’ve had some events that are 600-to-700 people and we walk away with half a bag of garbage. It feels good for us and we’ve heard a lot from our participants that it feels good for them too. So, I think it’s a little change in the norm, people are used to going to an aid station and getting cups but its been pretty seamless."

And you know, if a steward can be defined as a person who manages another's property or financial affairs, you and I would do well to remember that God created this world and everything in it belongs to Him. That means, as trustees of God’s property, we should also be environmentally friendly, thereby giving God respect, by not abusing or polluting its’ resources as well. You see, when you and I keep the land free from waste and avoid contaminating or tainting its’ soil, we show the Lord the respect He is due by respecting what He owns and has merely entrusted to us for a very short time. And we also allow the world to admire the pristine beauty of His hands. 

To sum it up, when asked if Christians should work to protect the environment, Billy Graham said this, “When we fail to see the world as God’s creation, we will end up abusing it. Selfishness and greed take over, and we end up not caring about the environment or the problems we’re creating for future generations. I hope you won’t lose your concern for these issues, for they are important. But don’t lose sight of something that is even more important: your relationship with God. Is Christ first in your life, and are you seeking to follow Him every day?”

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us of the importance of taking care of all those things you have entrusted to us - the earth and everything within it - and that our attitude toward those things reflects our love to towards You. Help us to see You first each and every day Lord that we would know Your perfect will and have the heart to follow it. It’s in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!!

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