Saturday, August 3, 2019

Filled with His joy

"'Now I am coming to you. I told them many things while I was with them in this world so they would be filled with my joy." John 17:13 NLT

Image result for joyful runner pic
Waking up before the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. last Saturday, I smiled to myself as I leaned over and grabbed my Bible, intent on spending time with the Lord before heading out to meet up with the Bass Pro Marathon training group at 6:00. Why the smile so early on a weekend morning? Because I realized I should have been way too tired to do this after getting up early each day to train before putting in 40 plus hours at work and then making the 90-minute drive to Springfield the night before. But I wasn't tired. I was actually giddy at the thought of being a leader for the group, running with old friends and making some new ones. You could definitely say I was filled with joy. 

And you want to know the greatest thing about being filled with joy? Real joy I mean? The kind of joy that can only come from Jesus? When you and I are overflowing with it, it gives us strength. Which is exactly why Jesus told the disciples "many things... so they would be filled" with His joy. You see, Jesus knew they would need this joy, or great glee and happiness that’s not dictated by circumstances but by the closeness of our relationship with Him, to have the strength to faithfully endure to the end. And the same things He told the disciples to cause His joy to overflow in them are the very same things He tells you and me in the Word to cause our joy to overflow too. Things like, I am with you to the end of the age, you have nothing to fear, I will never leave you nor forsake you, and your troubles won't last forever. 

So if you're feeling tired, run-down and less-than-joyful today, let me ask you this my friend... when's the last time you spent some quiet time with God? When's the last time you opened up the Word and allowed Him to tell you all the things He wants to tell you so you can be filled with His joy? If it's been a while, won't you take some time to meet with Him today? I can assure you that you'll soon be joyfully smiling too. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the Bible that allows You to speak to us in intimate ways. Help us to realize Lord that there is no joy apart from You and that the closer we are to You, the more joy we will have in our lives. Help us to make spending time with you our number one priority. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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