Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wait on His perfect timing

so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said.” Genesis 16:2 NIV

Runners World Magazine recently published an article that said by the time a person has Googled “running a marathon without training,” they have either ambitiously signed up for a race, then life or an injury got the best of them (in which case, they offered their deepest condolences), or they want to run a marathon but don’t actually want to train for one (in which case, they say please don’t). And you know what? As a running coach, I couldn’t agree more. Running any distance longer than a mile without training could have devastating consequences - like buying a person a ticket on the pain train where they might stay for days, weeks, months or even years. Simply said, running a marathon without training is a horrible idea that could have serious and lasting repercussions and no one should ever do it. 

And you know what else is a horrible idea that could also include serious and lasting repercussions? Not waiting on the Lord. Something Sarai and Abraham quickly realized after Sarai, impatient with God’s timing in providing the child He had promised to her husband, offered her maidservant to speed up the process. And the results were disastrous! Not only did the birth of Ishmael, a product of this forced union, cause strife within their marriage but within the nation of Israel... serious strife that is still continuing today. 

So as the story shows, it’s always a horrible idea for us to try and speed up God’s plan my friend. And so when we are tempted to do it, let us stop and seriously consider the ramifications of our actions first. And then, as hard as it may be, let us wait on His perfect timing . 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that when we fail to trust You and act on our own, the results are always disastrous.  Not only to ourselves but to those around us. Help us to be patient in all situations as we wait on Your perfect timing. It’s in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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