Friday, August 9, 2019

Let honesty be your guide

"Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people." Proverbs 11:3 NLT

Image result for rosie ruiz pic
In 1980, Rosie Ruiz seemingly came out of nowhere to win the women's division of the Boston Marathon in a then-record time of 2:31:56. "It's a colorful part of the Boston Marathon history, that's for sure," said Bill Rodgers, who won the men's race that year and was immediately suspicious of the woman sitting next to him on the awards podium. And his suspicions that Rosie was cheating proved to be correct. Not only was Ruiz found guilty of jumping in a mile from the finish at Boston, it was later discovered that she had even cheated in her qualifying race in New York. It's no wonder then that one of that headlines announcing her recent death read, "Rosie Ruiz, Boston Marathon course-cutter, dies at 66."

And you know, when it comes to cheating or being deceitful or deceptive, the Bible is clear that "dishonesty destroys treacherous people." You see, while good people are guided by their honesty, morals, and integrity which lead them to do what is right, “treacherous people” are guided by their pursuit to please the flesh, ignoring any standard of what’s right or wrong along the way, which leads them to do whatever they please. And while these “treacherous,” people may succeed for a time, you can be sure their unscrupulous, disloyal and unfaithful ways will always be discovered, not only destroying their reputation but any “good” legacy they might have worked to leave behind. 

So may you and I not only walk in honesty to be remembered well my friend, but that we would follow the example of Jesus who delighted in doing only those things that pleased the Father. And you can be sure that doing anything dishonest or immoral would not please Him. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that dishonestly not only ruins our reputations but divides and destroys our relationship with You. Help us to be people that seek to walk upright that we might honor You and live a life free from the consequences that dishonesty always brings. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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