Friday, July 12, 2019

The music of His creation

"The birds nest beside the streams and sing among the branches of the trees." Psalm 104:12 NLT

Image result for runner in woods pic
Canadian Running recently published an article citing many reasons, they say, you and I should run without music. The top reason? To let our minds wander, something that may not always happen when we are focused on our favorite running playlist or an interesting podcast. In fact, a 2012 study done by Psychological Science suggested that people who allow their brains to wander, or their thoughts to stray, can get a creativity bump. But you know what I've noticed is the greatest reward for ditching those earbuds? At least every now and then? A renewed sense of God's presence and sheer majesty. 

You see, when you and I run without any outside stimuli, especially in the newness of the morning or at dusk, we can concentrate on God's creations in their fullness - as they are waking up or preparing to rest. And the sense of awe we can experience from just listening to "the birds" who "nest beside the streams and sing among the branches of the trees" is just one of the many ways God reveals Himself to us through nature and shows His sovereignty and majesty. And if you and I let our minds wander even further throughout the day, we can be sure that He will reveal himself in many other ways as well. 

So make sure to take a break from the noise of the world my friend. Trade the music on your phone for nature's symphony of praise and you'll soon be joining the birds in a song of praise to the Creator of all good things. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for making such beautiful things and choosing to reveal Yourself in so many different ways through those creations. Help us to take the time each and every day to truly listen to what You are saying to us Lord.  It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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