Sunday, July 21, 2019

Give it your full effort

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:19 NIV

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WAFB in Baton Rouge, La recently published the headline, "Louisiana runners return home after competing in world’s toughest ultra-marathon" followed by the story of three runners who made it home after participating in Badwater, the world's toughest foot race. Jean Aponte, one of the runners who completed the 135 mile race that's held in extreme heat through Death Valley and has an elevation of 8,360 feet, said, "I feel takes a great deal of work to even meet the requirements to apply for the race, so it’s a good feeling to see years of training and effort come to fruition." 

And you know, after months of intense training that led to running in conditions that brutal for more than 30 hours, can you just imagine the relief these runners must have felt when it was finally over and they arrived home? I imagine it's the same feeling you and I will have when our bodies "return to the ground" and we return home to our final resting place. But you know what? Until that day comes, you and I should be working by the sweat of our brows to win others to Christ in the same all-out, nothing-is-going-to-stop-me-in-my-pursuit-of-the-finish-line-fashion that it took for these runners to finish Badwater. 

So knowing full well that will all die and "return to the ground," let us vow to live each day as if it were our last - with an unshakable, resolute, undeterred, steadfast and unwavering boldness and determination to share Christ with the world no matter what obstacles we might face. Because as Toby Mac sings, "there ain't no practice runs in life."

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we only have this one life and there are no do-overs. Knowing our days are short and we will soon return home to rest, help us to work tirelessly here to ensure that others will also be able to call heaven their eternal resting place. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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