Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Choose contentment

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11 NIV

Image result for hardrock hundred cancelled pic

When the race organizers of the Hardrock Hundred made the difficult decision to cancel this year's event because of the record snowfall in the San Juan Mountain Ridge in Colorado, you can bet there were a lot of runners experiencing extreme discontent, or intense feelings of dissatisfaction, with the change of circumstances. After all, by this point the athletes set to participate had already logged hundreds of training miles, made their travel arrangements and had mentally prepared and stoked themselves to tackle this arduous course that, because of its' high elevation, long steep climbs and severe weather potential, allows only the most qualified and elite ultra-runners to enter. 

And you know, as this story shows, no matter how well you and I make our plans, things totally out of our control can abruptly change them. And when that happens, and you can be sure it will eventually, you and I have two choices...  we can choose to be content or we can choose to be discontent. Paul certainly understood this after having met Jesus on the road to Damascus, a meeting that totally changed the plans he had for himself to hunt down and persecute all followers of Jesus Christ. You see, converting to Christianity was the last thing Paul ever wanted to do and ever thought he would do. And this epic change of plans brought bigger trials and troubles than Paul could have ever imagined. But with each new set of circumstances and change of plans thereafter, Paul could declare, "I have learned to be content with whatever the circumstances." Why? Because Paul, who had come to love the Lord with all his heart, knew that God was with him and that every change of plans, just like the one on the road to Damascus, was divinely orchestrated to put him in the exact place God would use him. 

So if you're in a state of discontentment over a change of plans today my friend, be content and rejoice instead! God could very well be divinely orchestrating your next mission too. Now doesn’t that make you smile? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that things will not always go as we planned. Help us to always stay joyful in those times knowing You are fully aware of everything that happens in our lives and that You can and will use every situation we are placed in to bring you glory. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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