Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Focus on bringing joy

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4 BSB

Image result for being kind to others pic

Is it inconsiderate to run on the road? This was the topic of an article recently posted by Canadian Running. Now before you say the road is a place for cars only, consider that many runners, myself included, are rarely able to run in places with sidewalks or paths and so have no choice but to run on the shoulder of the road (facing traffic of course). Not only that, us runners know that asphalt is softer than concrete and so provides less risk of injury, sidewalks are sometimes uneven or packed with people making it hard to keep a steady pace or avoid running into someone, and roads are always better plowed in the winter. The point is this... when answering a question or making a decision of any kind, we should carefully consider the impact it might have on other people first. 

And you know, when it comes to being considerate or showing kindly regard for someone else's feelings or welfare, the Bible clearly says you and I should "look not only to" our own interests but "also to the interests of others." And just how do we do that? John Piper sums it up this way, "Make the good of others the focus of your interest and strategy and work. Find your joy in making others joyful. If you are watching television and your child says, “Would you play with me?” don’t just think about how tired you are. By an act of gospel-fashioned, Christ-exalting will, put the child’s interests before the pleasures of your relaxation."

Don't you just love that? So let us show the love of Christ to today by focusing on bringing joy into the lives of others. It will not only have their hearts overflowing with delight but will have ours overflowing as well. And doesn't the thought of that just make you smile?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we should always consider the interests of others above our own just as You considered ours above Yours when you left your throne to be born as a man and then die a sinner's death on a cross for our salvation. Help us to look to that example and to love others in the same sacrificial way. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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