Thursday, April 4, 2019

What you eat matters

"I have given them to you for food, just as I have given you grain and vegetables." Genesis 9:3 NLT

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In an article published yesterday by Runner's World Magazine, it was revealed that a bad diet is more deadly than smoking or high blood pressure. In fact, the study found that a poor diet, namely one high in sodium and low in whole grains and fruits, is responsible for more than one in five deaths globally. Additionally, researchers said, diets low in nuts and seeds and low in vegetables were also top contributors. The takeaway from all this? You can't outrun a bad diet. What you put on your plate truly matters. 

And you know, just as sin has tainted our world, it has also tainted our food - our insatiable cravings for sugar, artificial sweeteners, bleached flour, processed meats, fried foods and ingredients you and I can't even pronounce proves it. But God never intended for us to eat this way. The Bible tells us that food in it's purest form was "given" to us to provide the calories and nutrients we need to survive and thrive. In that sense then, food is a gift from God and not meant to be altered in ways that harm our bodies when consumed.

So if you still think what you're eating won't hurt you, think again my friend. Continually substituting the clean foods God has "given" us for the fast and overly processed foods the world offers will not only lead to weight gain, fatigue, diabetes, stroke, and a litany of other maladies and diseases, it will keep you and me from performing at our best. Because, truly, we can't outrun a bad diet. No one can. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for providing the food we need to live. Help us to understand that we will never be able to do those things You have called us to over a lifetime if we don't keep our bodies healthy. Lord give each one of us the wisdom and the willpower to eat only those things are good for us that we might honor You with our bodies. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. 

Happy Running!!!

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