Sunday, December 9, 2018

Children are a gift

"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3 NASB

Image result for children laughing pic
After completing the third and final 25k loop of the 80k race Saturday, I headed into the aid station where my friends and daughter were waiting to grab a bite to eat. Feeling rejuvenated, I quickly decided to run the remaining 5k lap as quickly as I could. That was until my 13-year-old daughter said, "Mom, I'm going to do it with you." And you know what? It was the best ending I could have ever envisioned for a race. As we settled into a slow and easy pace, we talked, laughed, hugged and even sang praise songs out loud - and I was ever so grateful for the "gift" of this precious child. 

But you know, all children are a blessing. They are filled with joy and laughter and remind us to live more in the moment. They help us remember that PR’s (personal records) don't matter, people do. Children are beautiful, trusting, loving, full of happiness, and a light in this dark world. It's no wonder then that the psalmist reminded us to "behold,"or slow down to see for ourselves, that children are a "gift of the Lord." A gift to us that should be treasured. 

So by our actions, may our children know they are loved, cherished and adored. May we take the time each day to truly see just how amazing these little ones are. In doing so, we will be mutually blessed and encouraged. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for my children. Thank You for all children. Help us to be your hands and feet in caring for them and to love them as much as You do. And help us to slow down and take advantage of each moment Lord as we remember how quickly they grow up. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Cinderella - Steven Curtis Chapman

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