Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I wanna say thank You

"And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted." Isaiah 12:4

Do you ever take the time out to thank God for what you DO have? I mean like the simple things we all take for granted? While at the Bass Pro Marathon expo this weekend, I really had a gut check on that one. There was so much activity and excitement going on at Friday night's packet pickup, no one seemed to notice the man who walked in, several steps behind his energetic family, carrying a black case. For some reason he caught my attention and my heart. As I looked closer, I noticed how thin he was and how ashen his skin appeared. The bag he was carrying had clear rubber tubes extending from the top and leading up under his shirt. I surmised that he was probably carrying a portable dialysis machine. As his family left him on the bench to rest and headed off to the festivities, I fought back the tears as I silently thanked God for my wellness and prayed for him and his family. In contrast to everyone around this man, he appeared so out of place. Here was a man, probably once strong, weakened by a condition he had no control over. And here were hundreds of other people passing him by not considering that only by the grace of God were they able to participate in this race. I'm sure he would have given anything to be the one acquiring the packet to run 13.1 or 26.2 miles. Yet, he wasn't.

Unfortunately, most of us don't realize how priceless the blessing of good health is. No amount of money in the world can heal or save you when you're facing a fatal disease or virus. Yet, we don't thank God daily for what we DON'T have. If you're cancer free today, thank God. If you're able to run or walk today, thank Him. If your children are bouncing off the walls with energy today, thank the Lord. Be grateful for all those things you DON'T have. There will come a day when we will all face sickness, aging and physical hurdles. If today is not that day, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 tells us to "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

If you have today, you have a purpose - It's up to you to decide how you will use it. There's a quote I've read many times that says, "Today is God's gift to you. What you do with it, is your gift to Him." The day will pass before you know it, what are you waiting for?

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us this day. Thank You for the ability to get out of bed and raise our hands in praise to You. Thank You for the ability to share the gift of salvation with others. I pray that we would all use this day to be a blessing to someone else remembering that it is indeed a gift. May we never take our health for granted and may we love and minister to those who are sick or in need of a helping hand. In your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Thank You  - The Katinas

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