Monday, January 8, 2024

Develop a Mindfulness Practice

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 ESV

In an article titled, "8 Daily Healthy Habits That Will Better Your Runs and Lengthen Your Life,” published last week, the writer listed “Take Mindfulness Moments” as number five and Becky Kuypers, L.P.C., went on to explain how: Take a few brief periods throughout the day to set distractions aside and tune in to what’s going on around you. When you’re walking, for example, put away your phone and take off your headphones. Pay attention to each of your five senses: the feeling of the ground under your feet and the air across your cheeks, the sound of birds or traffic, the sight of other pedestrians, and smells and tastes like exhaust fumes or garlic wafting through the air from a nearby restaurant. “Those little teeny micro-moments enable you to have a mindfulness practice without having it be overwhelming,” Kuypers says.

And you know, when it comes to taking time throughout the day to set distractions aside to “tune in” to what’s around us, you and I would do well to remember that the presence of God is with us everywhere we go… a fact that will fill us with “fullness of joy” when we take the time to truly “tune in” to experience it. And we do this by paying attention and being thankful. For instance, when feeling the air across your cheeks and listening to the sound of the birds, take a deep breath and remember that the One who created the birds and causes the wind to blow loves you and is always with you. Doing this will not only have you enjoying your runs more but your life as well. 

So make time each and every day to bask in the presence of God my friend. Work on developing a mindfulness practice that’s focused on Christ so that gratitude becomes as natural as breathing. You’ll not only reap physical, mental, and spiritual benefits but you’ll be more joyful than you ever thought you could be. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You are always with us and that You can be seen and experienced in nature, through the pages of the Bible and through prayer and meditation. Make known to us the paths of life Lord that we might walk with You and experience the fullness of joy that is only found in You. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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