Monday, January 15, 2024

Don’t Let Fear Stop You

“The angel of the LORD came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites.” Judges 6:11 NIV

In a harrowing story published last week, it was reported that British runner Rachel Drew was nearly killed by a dog while out running last July. She now has PTSD from the incident and is afraid to run outside again, but after a judge’s recent court ruling, the woman, Rachel Drew, will no longer have to worry about being attacked again by that specific dog. When the incident occurred, Drew was midway through her six-mile run along a path by the river. Totally unprovoked, the dog, a 15-month-old boxer-rottweiler mix named Frank, came up behind her and jumped on her shoulders, knocking her to the ground. He clamped onto her arm and dragged her across the grass while Drew screamed for help and tried to be as still as possible to minimize the damage. Thankfully, Rachel didn’t lose her arm although she had to undergo extensive plastic surgery and was in intense pain for several months. 

And you know, although PTSD or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder isn’t specifically mentioned in the Bible, the intense fear it can cause a person to have is. And fear, as we know and Scripture confirms, can cause a person to not only withdraw from the things they love but to shrink back from the calling God has placed on their lives. Consider Gideon. He was so afraid of the Midianites that he went down into a winepress to thresh wheat which would have been easier separated out in the field. But thankfully, Gideon’s story didn’t end in a deep vat. By placing his trust in God, Gideon overcame his fears to became a “mighty warrior” who was unafraid to go wherever God called him to go and to do whatever God called him to do. 

So if today has you too afraid to go where God is calling you to go, ask Him to remind you that you (like Gideon) are more than a conqueror my friend. And that by His strength working in you, you can do more than you ever thought or even imagined. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You can empower all those who choose to trust You to do great things for the Kingdom. Lord, help us to remember that Gideon was an ordinary person who was made extraordinary by You. And that if You can make a man hiding in a winepress into a mighty warrior, You can do the same for us. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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