Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Believers Have the Promise

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 BSB

In a story titled “Emma Bates Withdraws from Olympic Marathon Trials” published by Runner’s World Monday, it was reported that Emma, who was widely considered a top contender to make the U.S. Olympic team in the marathon this year, announced that she won’t be lining up at the Olympic Marathon Trials in Orlando, Florida, on February 3. Bates, 31, tore her plantar fascia during October’s Chicago Marathon after stepping in a pothole around mile 14. On December 12, she posted that she had been healing well and was back to running on the ground for an hour at a time when she developed another injury, posterior tibial tendonitis… And in a tearful Instagram video posted Saturday night, Bates said that while she had returned to workouts with her Boulder-based training group, Team Boss, “we just know that there’s not enough time to be where I need to be.”

And you know, when it comes to shattered dreams that make us tearful, believers can find comfort knowing that “God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” This is something you and I may question while going through the kind of trials that bring us to our knees, but in looking back can say, “Thank You Lord for that hardship.”  I know I’ve thought more than once, “Lord I can’t see how You could ever work this trial (and there have been a lot of them!) for my good.” But then He does… again and again and again in ways that leave me in awe and saying, “Thank You Lord” again and again and again. 

So if you’re a believer and in the midst of a trial that has you downcast and doubting today, hold fast to that promise my friend. It may take a while but, when the time is right, God will work your situation for good and you will come out with stronger faith and a deeper knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ. And believe it or not, you will be grateful for the experience. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for all the ways You prove Yourself faithful again, again, and again. Help us to trust You Lord when we don’t understand why we’re going through times of trouble, knowing that Your ultimate goal in working all things together for our good is to make us more like You. And for that Lord, we have cause to rejoice. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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