Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking what a lot of people are doing right now... struggling to keep their New Year's resolutions. Now if this has you saying, "Oh boy, that's me Melissa. I'm definitely on the struggle bus," then I hope you'll find comfort in knowing that you're not alone. In fact, Researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans who make resolutions actually complete them. Research goes on to show that 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% quit by the end of January. That's pretty disheartening if you ask me. Which is the very reason you should find people to help you! 

This was something I was thinking about Saturday while at our weekly Frog Fitness Group group run/walk as I was trying to push myself to keep up with a couple of the runners that had gone ahead and weren’t doing intervals. Since my personal running goal for 2024 is to continue training for ultra marathons but to gain back some of the speed I've lost, my aim is to do more tempo runs and less of the run/walk interval runs that have become my staple. So I knew I needed to be with this those running buddies ahead of me! Let me tell you, this was something easier said than done though. One part of my mind kept screaming, "Take a walk break sister!" while the other part said, "No, keep going!" Thankfully though, I finally caught up to my running buddy, Russ Dixon (pictured above in the orange shorts), who can run both far and fast. And like a good friend does, he agreed to pace me for the next ten miles of my long run to keep me on task. Was it easy? Nope. But it got done, and that's the point. A good running group is priceless as are the individuals within it!! 

Which brings me to my point. If you're looking to get fitter, faster, or to run farther this year (or all three like me), find a friend or a group of them that will help you do it. This isn't just my sentiment either. In an article published by Runner's World titled "8 Daily Healthy Habits That Will Better Your Runs and Lengthen Your Life," published last week, tip number two was... Find Running Buddies. 

And here's what they said (*with my two cents thrown in of course): 

How this helps running: Especially if you’re struggling with motivation, recruiting a partner or two can help you stick to a running plan. “It makes it more likely for you to stay consistent if people are expecting you to show up at a certain time in a certain place,” Becky Kuypers, L.P.C., a mental skills coach with 26.2 Coaches, tells Runner’s World.
*As a running coach I've found that motivation is one of the key factors that keeps a person focused on their goal. When a person loses that, it's not long before they become part of the 91% of people who fail to complete their resolution. A good running group filled with encouragers and like-minded individuals provides a motive other than getting fit for not giving up. You want to be with these people!!! And to be with them, you have to run. Makes sense right? It's all about your "why." And when spending time with friends becomes your main reason for lacing up and getting out the door, fulfilling that resolution doesn't seem like such a chore.  

How this helps overall health: Loneliness and isolation contribute to depression, dementia, heart disease, and stroke. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, M.D., recently raised an alarm about the risks of disconnection—and recommended deeper relationships as a cure. 
*Ask any runner and they'll tell you that deep relationships are formed quickly when sharing miles. It's a phenomena that's hard to explain but it's what makes the sport so unique. Whether it's the endorphins, the comraderies or the conversations, I've never seen anyone leave a group run unhappy. They may have arrived that way, but they never leave that way. 

Now that you know some of the many benefits that come from being a part of a running group, you might be asking how you can find one in your area. You can start with searching online or on social media, or you can even start one yourself if there's not one near you. But chances are, there's a group close that you haven't heard about. Here's a few I'm familiar with: OMRR, DRC, FFG, TEAM RWB, Joplin Roadrunners, Lake Area Runners, and SWMO Ultrarunners

So there you have it friends. If you want to be counted among that 9% of people who stick with their New Year's resolutions, don't try to do it alone. Find some running buddies that will help you. You'll not only find it easier to reach your goals but you'll have fun while doing it and get some free therapy sessions as well. How's that for a win-win? Happy Running!

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