Monday, May 9, 2022

We are Real Family

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.'" John 13:34,35 ESV

On May 7, NBC4 out of Columbus, Ohio aired a story that read, "Runners all across Columbus are mourning the loss of a special member in their community. Jason Zarate was going for his morning run down Avery Road in Dublin on Wednesday when he was hit by a car and killed. The people close to him said they don’t want the community to remember Zarate for this tragedy but instead for the impact he left. Jason Zarate’s friend Erin Arnett said he was the kind of person everyone wants in their life. 'It doesn’t matter if you are fast, if you are slow, if you are overweight, if you’ve got a disability – there is a place in the running community for you, and Jason can be the biggest testament of that,'  Arnett said. Arnett, who described Zarate as an overcomer, encouraging and loyal, said the community is at a loss for words." Arnett went on to say that she wasn't sure what their "run family" will be like without Jason. Zarate did not have a spouse or children. Arnett said their ‘run family” was their real family.

And you know, while the world might define family as those persons you and I are related to by blood, the Bible tells us that all those who believe in God are family, meaning that the church is one big household. And this isn't just wonderful news for people who may not have a spouse or children but for all believers. You see, this "family" is commanded to "love one another" just as Jesus loved us. Which means that one of the many benefits of being part of a church family is being loved in a way that is different from how people in the secular world love. This love is sacrificial, unconditional, and given freely without regard to a person's worth, making our church family "real family." 

So if you're part of a church family today, count yourself blessed my friend. These are the people that will help you in your time of need, pray with you when you're down, rejoice with you when there's cause for celebration, and love you regardless of the circumstances. If you don't, I would highly suggest that you find a church to be a part of so that you can experience the love, fellowship, and care of a "real family." 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that family of God is not limited by blood ties but made by the blood of Christ that unifies all those who believer in Him. Lord, remind us how important it is to be part of a church family so that we would not neglect it, especially as the end days draw near and we become more in need of the fellowhip, encouragement and accountability that this real family can provide. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

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