Sunday, May 29, 2022

Take a stand for Truth

“You deliberately disobeyed God’s law, even though you received it from the hands of angels.” The Jewish leaders were infuriated by Stephen’s accusation, and they shook their fists at him in rage.” Acts 7:53,54 NLT

Like thousands of other Americans around the world this morning who recognize the debt owed to the service members that gave the greatest sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy in America today, I will begin the Memorial Day celebration by running with friends and expressing my deep gratitude at one of the wear blue: run to remember organized events in Waynesville, Mo. Their mission on this day of solemn remembrance? With your commitment, we will match the over 65,000 fallen service members who have died from the first days of the Vietnam War to present day conflicts. Honoring the fallen through purposeful steps is an act of gratitude that humanizes the loss of our military members and fosters healing. This Memorial Day, we will learn their stories, speak their names, and honor their legacies. Having participated in these events before, I will tell you that the stories that will be shared of the brave men and women who fulfilled the mission they were tasked with completing even in the face of death will bring many people, including me, to tears. Especially knowing we now live in a country where the freedoms they fought and gave their lives for are in grave jeopardy; a truth so many people are afraid to voice.

And you know, when it comes to serving our homeland, do you realize that every believer is a soldier in God’s army tasked with the job of sharing the Truths laid out in the Bible? You see, although we might be citizens of the United States, our true citizenship is in heaven. But until the day God calls us home, we have jobs to do here—one of which, as Stephen knew, is to confront those people and groups who are in direct and deliberate opposition of “God’s law” even if it costs us our popularity, our jobs, our freedom, or even our very lives. A good soldier, like the first martyr Stephen, stays true to the task assigned by their Commanding Officer no matter how much it infuriates the opposition. And if you think persecution of the true church won’t happen here, think again my friend. The Bible forewarns us that in the end times, there will be widespread persecution, even in countries where Christians never faced persecution before.

So as we prepare ourselves to go into the battle, let us remember that we are not alone. We not only have brothers and sisters who will fight alongside us but a God who goes before us and behind us. And even if we lose everything here by speaking up, we will gain everything when we finally make it home.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the Word that tells us everything we can expect in the coming days as we get nearer to Your return. Give us the strength to stand firm in the battle and the stubbornness to not compromise on the Truth no matter the consequences Lord. Like Stephen, cause us to be bold even in the face of death knowing that when we take our last breath here, we will take our first breath in heaven. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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