Tuesday, May 31, 2022

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Change the way you look at obstacles

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something every runner (and every person on the face of the earth for that matter) will face from time to time... obstacles. Or as defined, things that block a person's way or hinder their progress. And although there are many obstacles you and I might encounter in our pursuit of the finish line, there is perhaps none more frustrating than an injury or illness because they are things we have absolutely no control over, right? Wrong! Okay, so we can't magically heal ourselves or be cured in a moment of what ails us, but we can change the way we look at these obstacles and use them as ways to grow in grit, grace, and gratitude. Doing so will ensure that we maintain our motivation!!

As a longtime runner and running coach you can be sure that I've not only encountered my fair share of injuries and other obstacles in my training but have watched lots of my fellow runners go through them too. And this is what I've learned... those people who choose to stay positive and look at the bright side of things, even when it seems impossible to find the good in a bad situation, come out better for it. Lisa Seachord (pictured above with her daughter) is one of those people. Throughout the many years I've been blessed to know her, Lisa has faced many obstacles in her pursuit to maintain a consistent exercise program. But every one of those hindrances has taught her ways to adapt and overcome. I can honestly say that this girl has grown in grit, grace, and gratitude throughout the years. Something she is using to  help her stay focused on her goal in the midst of her latest setback that she is so graciously allowing me to share in the hopes it will inspire someone to view their obstacles in the way she has learned to view them. 

On May 2, after experiencing severe pain in her left foot for a few days, Lisa made an appointment to be seen and sent me this message "Just finished with an appt at the doctor‘s office on my foot. Possible stress fractures so he has ordered a bone scan." After a few more appointments and consultations, Lisa's diagnosis was worse than she expected and her surgery is scheduled for June 21st, a procedure that will require 12 weeks to recover. To say she was upset would be an understatement! She was doing better than ever! Fast forward to today and this is what Lisa posted Tuesday and I felt led to share:

Something I want to share this morning. There are goals/things we want to accomplish. Along the way we run into obstacles. Something I’ve learned and am still working on. We have one of two options 1). We can let that obstacle/challenge stop us from achieving our goals or 2) we can adapt and work with the things we have.
Too often I allow those obstacles/challenges to dictate the outcome. Reflecting on what’s happening has been so helpful and a blessing. For instance; I literally waited 2 1/2 hours just waiting on PCP to come in the room. I was getting frustrated, however, I dozed off and the rest was much needed. I was thankful for the rest I got. Right now I’m looking at foot surgery. Frustrated because there’s things I wanted to do this summer but can’t now. Forcing me to look at the challenge and adapt, I’m thankful for the things I’ve learned along the way that otherwise I wouldn’t have.

I needed the rest, I was provided with that opportunity. That perspective was huge and I was grateful for the wait. Reminder to take the time to reflect, you’ll find some love letters along the way. 

Did you witness the grit, grace and gratitude she displayed? The combination of those traits Lisa has cultivated by overcoming smaller obstacles in the past will not only allow Lisa to overcome this bigger obstacle (she already bought a recumbent bike and has made other plans to cross-train while healing) but inspire others to stay in the fight as well. 

So there you have it friends. When obstacles arise, we can choose to give up or choose to adapt and work with the things we have. As for me, I will always choose to adapt and press on because if there's one thing I've learned in all my years of running, it's this.... regret makes a very hard pillow. Change your perspective to focus on the good and be grateful for what you can do rather than what you can't and you’ll not only be motivated to hang in there until you reach the finish line but will grow in grit, grace, and gratitude along the way. 


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