Sunday, March 27, 2022

Encouragement will get you to the finish line

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

"I am sore, in pain, I hurt. I’ve soaked in Epsom salts, taken Aleve, used some essential oils so hopefully I can sleep tonight. I did something today that I NEVER thought I would be able to do. I walked my first 5k. I couldn’t have done it without my friend’s encouragement. Thanks my people!" Those were the words posted by my dear friend Gail after completing her first 5k Friday night; something she never dreamed she would even attempt until she found a group of amazing encouragers. Gail, along with her friend Bobbie who walked the 3.1 mile distance alongside her, have been participants in the weekly aqua running classes I have been blessed to teach for several years in our community. Over the years, Gail, who has physical limitations due to breaking both of her feet several times and dislocating her ankles, has spent countless hours in the pool exercising with people like Bobbie, who not only want to be the best selves they can be but motivate others in the class to be the best they can be as well. So as Gail's coach, you can be sure that I was all smiles when she crossed the finish line (wearing ankle braces and special shoes) with her hands raised high in victory. 

And you know, just as encouragement is crucial to a person crossing the finish line, it's crucial to victory in our spiritual walk as well. Which is the very reason that Paul, after telling the church at Thessalonica what to expect in "the day of the Lord" reminded them to continue encouraging one another and building each other up so that they would not give up. You see, Paul knew that the race would be hard (and would get even harder still as the end days approached) and that the church would feel like quitting before they obtained the prize. But he also knew that encouraging words and actions between believers would motivate and inspire them to press on to the finish line no matter the pain or obstacles they encountered along the way. 

So if you have an encourager or group of them in your life, count yourself blessed my friend. You have exponentially increased your chances of staying the in the race until the day Jesus comes back or calls you home. If you don’t, I urge you to find one. You’ll be so glad you did. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for those people in the world who serve to lift up and encourage others. Help us to not only seek out these people but to become them. Remind us that all believers are in this race together so that we would cheer one another on at every opportunity. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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