Tuesday, March 1, 2022

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Combat your situational depression

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something many runners around the world are experiencing right now but aren't talking about... situational depression. Now I'm not talking about clinical depression that would warrant a person to seek professional help but the unexplainable feeling of heaviness so many runners in my circle are talking about. Heaviness that stems from feeling helpless to change so many of the things going on in our world today. From the war in Ukraine to skyrocketing inflation and supply shortages, there is most definitely a sense of apprehension and dread in the air. And these feelings can undoubtedly wreak havoc on a person's 
motivation to train.

What exactly is situational depression you might be wondering? It's the period when a stressful event (like the pandemic, a divorce, a death, loss of a job) triggers a period of sadness, despondency and rejection. It’s quite common and most everyone will experience it at some point in their lives. It became much more common at the start of COVID-19 and is still very common now, even though it's not always talked about. And although running has been known to fight depression and relieve stress, most every runner will get the blues from time to time. So let's look at some of the symptoms of situational depression per WebMD and ways we can battle it. 

Symptoms of situational depression may include:
Appetite changes
Constant fear or worry
Difficulty carrying out tasks
Difficulty focusing
Difficulty sleeping
Frequent crying
Loss of interest in normal activities
Overwhelming feelings from stress or anxiety

Thankfully, situational depression usually improves after enough time passes after the stressful event. You may notice your mood improve and things start to look up. But guess what? There are ways to combat that situational depression even when you can't change the situation. There are things you can do right now to regain the motivation to lace up your shoes and head out the door. Here are some things WebMD says will help relieve your situational depression....

Strategies include:
Eating well
Expressing your feelings
Mindful meditation
Progressive muscle relaxation
Slow, deep breathing
Spending time in nature
Writing in a journal

Those are all great strategies right? But here are three that are more specific to runners.... 

1. Run to support a cause. This is always a great motivator and a way to combat the blues. Many times, as in the case with Ukraine, we get down because we feel as if we're helpless. But we're not! We may not be able to physically help the people there but we can run to raise funds and awareness for their plight. Check out the MARCH FOR UKRAINE VIRTUAL CHALLENGE that a dear friend of mine created upon experiencing these feelings of helplessness. This is a free challenge but you will have an opportunity to donate to the people of Ukraine. And while you're out there logging those miles via running, rucking, or biking, pray for the people as well. The combination will most certainly relieve those feelings of hopelessness and renew your motivation. 

2. Be in the moment. This is more than just the mindful meditation listed above. This is turning off your music or podcast (if you're a fan of running with tunes or talk) and reminding yourself just how blessed you are to not only have the gift of movement but the gift of living in a country where you're still free to move about wherever you want. With the amazing temps we will have this week, take time to really listen to the birds and allow their song to minister to your heart as those cheeps, chirps and peeps remind you that the darkness and coldness of Winter will soon be replaced with the light and warmth of Spring. If you can, hit the trails and enjoy the solitude and beauty of the world around you. Take it in visually. Breathe it in deep physically. And exhale out gratitude for the gift of today. 

3. Find a running group!! Not just any running group though. Find one that is over-the-top positive, welcoming, encouraging and pushes you to be better in more ways than just with your running. As we all know, there's nothing that can spoil our mood and our run faster than a group that whines, gossips, or has a negative outlook. Create a group if you have to but, as Nike says, "Just do it!" There is perhaps no better way to lift your mood than to surround yourself with people who believe that the "glass is always half full" and that running is more about developing Personal Relationships (PR's) than Personal Records. 

So there you have it friends. There are always going to be things and situations in our lives that are less than desirable; situations that might cause us to be so down that we'd rather binge watch a Netflix marathon rather than train for one. But guess what? The power to change that is in your hands and there's no better time to do the things that will make you smile than today!! We've only got this one life friends. Let's live it with intention. Happy Running!!!

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