Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something that's obvious to the seasoned runner who has surrounded themselves with positive running friends but may not be apparent to that solo one or the newbie runner that's been hopping from running group to running group looking for some added motivation but still can't seem to find it..... your chances of succeeding at any goal (especially your running goals) is exponentially increased when you have positive friends. Interestingly enough, the more upbeat, look-at-the-glass-half-full and joy-filled friends you have, the easier your training will be, the crazier the things are that you’ll attempt, and the more fun you'll have making your way to the finish line. 

To prove this point, check out what fellow Bass Pro Marathon pacers Rachel Baker and Jody Rhoads (look for Jody and me to pace the 5:30 marathon group this year) accomplished over the weekend thanks to their positive attitudes and the help of some like-minded buddies from the SW MO Ultrarunning Group. 

In Rachel's words... Cirque 100 Mile Virtual 100 (aka The Dumbest 100) race report.
First of all, I hope everyone belongs to a tribe as great as the one I belong to. I could not find a 100 mile race that would fit into my schedule this spring so I planned on doing something low key the first weekend of April. I was thinking maybe a 24 hour track run with a couple of friends. Then my handsome little man came home with an invitation to a mom/son glow party that weekend and wants to go; of course we are going. So a week and a half ago I ran this crazy idea of running a 100 miler the Thursday and Friday of spring break by my husband and he said go for it. I even found a virtual 100 I could do that had a 40 hour time limit and I would get a buckle. 

And with that mission in mind, the stage was set. Jody offered to run the whole thing with Rachel. Another friend offered the use of her cabin as an aid station. No less than 10 friends came out to run various parts of the run with the girls, at all hours of the night. And the best part Rachel said, her friend Lisa came out with her husband and kids to watch her finish. "My kids have never watched me finish an ultra (besides the dreadmill 100), so I might have shed a few tears. I cannot thank everyone enough for the support. The Southwest Mo Ultra Runners are the best group. And thank you, thank you, thank you Jody!!! I had the best time on our 100 mile adventure." She later added, "It was so easy to stay focused and positive with Jody. She always has a smile on her face." Do you just love this or what?

With friends like these, it's pretty easy to see why running friends are great motivators isn't it? And why everyone should, like Rachel said, find a tribe to belong to.

I have a running tribe that includes Rachel and Jody and I wouldn't trade these friendships for anything! I honestly don't think I would continue to lace up day after day, year after year without the amazing bonds and close relationships running has given me. 

Me with Gretchen 
And just to give you one more example of why running buddies are the best to have, besides the fact that you can share your deepest thoughts with them and they won't call you crazy or that they can give you better counseling sessions on long runs than a paid professional, they are always down to do something with you that's worthy of getting you an extended stay in the funny farm. Consider Gretchen (one of my bestest running buddies in the world and a girl I absolutely adore). Inspired by Rachel and Jody but not quite ready for another 100 miler right now, I sent Gretchen this message on Monday, "What do you think about running 50 miles Saturday? I don't want to pay for a race but we need a long run." I then added, "This is super stupid so you'll probably say yes." Her response? "I don't even know if I can do 50." But not even five seconds later, I received another text, "Where would you want to attempt this nonsense?" And just like that, the stage was set and we will be off for another one of our crazy adventures with our tribe (who couldn't wait to join us for “this nonsense”) this weekend. This is the benefit of finding the right tribe and a crazy running buddy. You may all die but you'll sure have fun doing it right?

So there you have it friends. If your motivation is lagging, find a tribe!! And if you can't find a positive running group in your area, find a "bestie" that will support you and then look for others to join you so you can make your own tribe! I promise it will be worth the search effort and will pay off in more ways than one. Running buddies not only make running more fun but they make life more fun. The time spent running together will draw you closer in ways nothing else could. Part of my running tribe is pictured above. After years of running together, we share more than miles. We share coffee, lunches, holidays, birthdays, and any other days when we can just be together. Running friends truly are the bestest in the world. So get out there and find a few. You'll thank yourself for it later. 
Happy Running!

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