Thursday, August 26, 2021

We have the power to overcome

"You, little children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4 BSB

On August 24, Runner's World recapped the story of world-famous ultrarunner Scott Jurek's second Appalachian Trail Record Attempt; an attempt that Scott hoped would go well and restore his record-holder status but ended in a DNF (Did Not Finish) instead. After months of planning, the former Appalachian Trail record-holder halted his second fastest known time (FKT) attempt after only a week. A minor quad issue in the first days of his journey turned into a full-blown tear after covering 250 of the 2,189 miles on the trail. He hoped the pain would go away, but after consulting a physician and his crew, he made the tough decision to discontinue the run on August 11. “The hardest part now is knowing I’m still supposed to be on the trail.,” Jurek told Runner’s World. “Being at home feels good, but I keep thinking of what I should be doing. Everyone experiences it. No matter where you are in your running journey or life, there are disappointments and items you come up short on. Life is made for challenges and adversity. We come back stronger.”

And you know, Scott is so right... life is full of challenges and adversity, especially now and especially for Christians. Why? Because we are in a time like no other when we will be harassed and attacked (even beaten, fired, imprisoned, or killed) for our beliefs; beliefs that will be touted as totally out of date and totally incorrect. You see, as the Bible clearly tells us, the spirit of the antichrist is in the world... a spirit that confesses--through false teachers, pastors, prophets, groups, and people--that the Truths laid out in the Word are actually false and that what is false (the warped ideas, narrative and ideology of the world) is actually true. In other words, it's a spirit that says what's good is evil and what's evil is good. And while the world listens to this spirit (having no weapons to discern or defeat it) we "are from God" and have the power to test and defeat this adversary through the One who dwells in us, the One who is greater than the one "who is in the world." 

So as the world grows increasingly dark, stand firm on the Truth my friend. Vow to be an overcomer by remembering that He who is in you can defeat any giant, tear down any stronghold, and dispel any lie that the enemy will place in your path. That’s the truth.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we will be hated by the world because of our love for You. Help us to stand firm through all the challenges and adversities we will face in these last days Lord and to bold in our witness and resolute in our quest to test every spirit that would threaten to lead us astray. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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