Sunday, August 1, 2021

Serve with gladness

"Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!" Psalm 100:2 ESV

I couldn't help but smile early Saturday morning as I pulled into the parking lot where my running group was getting ready to set out for our weekly group run knowing that I would have company. After signing up for another hundred-miler, I can honestly say that I appreciate this bunch of crazy runners more than ever. Especially the ones, like my dear friend Gretchen, who are also training for ultras since they will hang with me for an insane number of miles; which makes logging the increasingly longer distances in our training plans much easier and way more enjoyable. The encouragement we provide one another is priceless... and it's this encouragement that Gretchen needed around mile 17 when she began to struggle. So with 6 more miles to go and to boost her morale, I looked at her and said with a smile "Just remember. We don't have to do this. We get to do this." And that was just the reminder she needed to press on. Amazing what a change in perspective can do right? 

And you know, this change in perspective is something many Christians need today as well. You see, serving Christ is something that you and I should, as the psalmist said, be doing "with gladness." Sadly though, many believers see service to God as something they have to do--like a chore that needs to be checked off an invisible to-do list that will please God. But get this my friend... serving the Lord is not a chore that we have to do but something we get to do. God doesn't need our service but rewards all those who serve with a joyful heart, because serving "with gladness" always brings us "into his presence" which will have us singing! 

So knowing that serving the One who created us is a privilege rather than a chore, let us serve "with gladness" to the greatest extent that we can. And let us not merely wait for opportunities to serve but let us search them out with happy hearts and a renewed perspective that says, "I don't have to serve. I get to serve!"

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that serving You, the Maker of the heavens and the universe, is a privilege that we should cherish. You are in need of nothing Lord and yet You allow us to use the talents, gifts and resources You have blessed us with to glorify You with acts of service. Help us to realize what an honor that is Lord that we would gladly serve You all the days of our lives. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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