Thursday, August 5, 2021

Be happy with those who are happy

“Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15 NLT

One of the hardest things a newly injured runner will ever do is encourage and support their runner friends when all they want to do is throw themselves a pity party (and I say this from experience). But that’s the very thing my dear friend Rebecca did yesterday morning. “Good morning gorgeous,” she texted. “Even though I am not going to be able to do the Katy 50k, I am still going the night before and staying at the hotel. I can crew you guys at whatever spot you need me most.” Upon reading this, I must admit that I had to fight back tears recalling the message I had received from her the previous day, “I got the MRI results. Will see orthopedist again to determine what now. All of my hard work and now I don’t know what is going to happen. I have anterior and superior labral tears, gluteus minimus tendon tear, and bilateral gluteal and hamstring tendinosis.” Does that make you tear up or what?

But you know, as hard as this joyful attitude Rebecca exhibited is to muster when things aren’t going as planned, it's the very attitude that you and I, as believers, must have. We must "be happy with those who are happy..." I mean think about it... Rebecca's actions after the grim diagnosis that curtailed her running were completely contrary to the way the world would have reacted. So opposite in nature to the world, in fact, that people will recognize that there is something different about her. And this is the very thing that will cause non-believers to ponder, "How can a person be joyful when they should be anything but?" Do you see how this attitude could lead people to Christ? 

So "be happy with those who are happy" my friend. Rejoice with those who rejoice, knowing that doing so will not only bless the person you are rejoicing with but will also influence those who are watching to seek out the One who can provide this joy in the midst of sadness and gloom. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us a joy that is not based on changing circumstances but on the unchanging relationship we have with You. Cause us to remember that all things work for the good of those who have placed their trust in You and that all things--the good, the bad, and the ugly--ultimately serve the purpose of making us more like You and leading the lost to seek You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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