Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about a character trait that every runner needs to have to stay motivated over the long haul... patience. As defined by vocabulary.com, patience is a person's ability to wait something out or endure something tedious, without getting riled up. It takes a lot of patience to wait for your braces to come off, to deal with a toddler's temper tantrum, or to build a house out of toothpicks. It also takes a lot of patience to train for the race of your dreams. Which is the very reason so many runners develop apathy and give up before they reach the finish line.

And while I'd like to say that cultivating patience is easy and pain-free, it's not. Just ask anyone who's ever prayed for patience. They will most likely tell you that it's a character trait that they will never pray for again. Why? Because developing the ability to wait for what you want and to endure the long, slow, sometimes-painful, and monotonous journey that will get you there is something most people will bail out on... it's just too hard and unpleasant. But in an effort to keep you motivated, here are several reasons why patience pays off and is something worth acquiring.

1. Patience keeps you from injury. This is so true and is the thought that actually sparked today's subject as I was swimming in the pool early yesterday morning rather than running outside and enjoying the sunrise (Did I tell you that I live for sunrises? I love them!). But as I've come to learn over time, impatience has landed me on the injured list more times than I care to count. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time I ran through a minor ache or pain until it became a major ache or pain that required substantial time off, let's just say that I could buy you and me both a large cup of liquid love from Starbucks. But finally! And I say finally because it took a long time to come to the realization that if I just took a few days off at the first hint of pain, I could allow the affected muscle, joint or bone to heal rather than tax it further and cause a strain, tear, or break. See how patience pays off? There is nothing that will steal a runner's motivation quicker than getting injured and having to take time off. Nothing.

2. Patience allows you to stick to the 10% rule.
What is that rule you might be asking? It's this... runners should not increase their mileage more than 10% a week. Why? Because adding too much mileage too quickly will lead to injury. And like I said before, injury is the number one motivation killer.

3. Patience will allow you to set bigger goals. Okay, so 5k's are great right? But after awhile, they won't challenge you anymore. And an unchallenged runner can quickly become an unmotivated runner. So ask yourself this question today, "What race or distance can I do this year that will challenge me? What then can I use said race or distance as a stepping stone for to go further?" But hey, if super long distances aren't your thing, ask yourself this, "What can I do to get faster? What can I do to become a stronger runner? What can I do to get better?" All of these things require patience. But, once again, patience will pay off when you cross the finish line.

4. Patience allows you to truly enjoy running.
Okay, so I've said this before and I'll say it again... running is a gift from our Creator that is truly undeserved and underappreciated. So if you have it, be thankful! Taking the ability to move for granted or rushing through every workout will lead to burnout, frustration and apathy for a sport that you should be in love with! Sara Goucher said it this way, "There are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is." Impatient runners miss this! Developing patience will cause you to reflect on the sights, sounds, and smells all around you. It will also cause you to ponder the many blessings that you have in your life... blessings that have no monetary value like your health, your family, and your friends. If you have all of those, your life really is wonderful! And if you have running, you should be singing for joy each and every day!

5. Patience allows you to finish up that run when you want to throw in the towel.
We have all had those runs right? Those runs that are so hard and/or frustrating that you just want to give up? Well don't! Patience will allow you to grit it out and walk it in if you have to. You are the sum of all your runs my friend, not just one. And remember the old adage that you have to train for every condition so you'll be ready for every condition? Well every condition includes those runs where your mental game is off, you're tired, you're just not feeling it, it doesn't feel good, or you just want to go back to bed. Developing the patience to stick it out will pay off! Stick it out in your training and you'll stick it out when you're on the racecourse!

6. Patience causes you to say, "I know that the results won't be instant and I'm okay with that." So many runners give up when they don't see results. This is another one of those things that will steal your motivation. But resolve yourself to stay in the game as long as it takes... even if it means taking baby steps. Keep moving forward. No matter how slow you might be progressing, one thing is certain... if you stop, you will never see progress. Hang in there! Baby steps count!

So there you have it friends. Patience indeed pays off in so many ways. Take it from someone who's learned the value of forbearance and fortitude the hard way. Over the many years and many, many miles I have been blessed to run, I have encountered hills, valleys, trials and injuries that nearly made me give up (more times than once). But I didn't and you shouldn't either. Be patient with yourself and with the process and remember that everyone of of us will experience difficulties, struggles, problems, snags, and hitches along this road of life. Be patient but also remember... you only get this one go-around, don't rush through it and don't waste one moment of it lamenting over what could've have been or what should be. Seize the day, count your blessings, and get out there and enjoy the journey.

Happy Running!!!

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