Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about balance or, as defined, a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. Why is this important? Because when running, rest and rehab are not practiced in the correct proportions, imbalances occur which can lead to things that can zap your motivation; things like injuries, burnout, stress and relationship problems.

Me, Laura, and Kelly (right)

But first, here’s a little background. Kelly Scarbrough, Laura Murrieta (the girls in this photo from 2013 who will be giving you their two-cents), and I have been friends for well over a decade. Brought together by a mutual love of running and Jesus, we have seen one another struggle to find balance as our lives have changed from year to year. Thankfully though, at least when it comes to rest and running, we have learned the importance of balance and work hard on keeping running and rest in the correct proportions.

So when I asked them both to share with me how they are balancing rest and running right now, in this season and stage of their lives and why it’s important, this is what they said...

Finding balance right now has been a little difficult. I’ve been doing this program called 75 hard for 72 days and am also a full time nursing student, wife, and mother. I found out in the beginning of the program that I can’t go hard every single day because my body will begin to break down which leads me to this point... you have to listen to your body because this is the only one that God gave you to live in. You have to take care of it. So I would break up the workouts (running and walking), add in strength training and do some light yoga for recovery. You just need to find balance everywhere in life. Which also includes making sure you get enough sleep. I cannot stress that sleep is so important. Remember that you can do this but you have to find the balance that works for you. Maybe you need to set your alarm clock to get up that extra 30 minutes early? Or maybe you need to go to bed earlier? Everything in life is balance, you just have to figure out what works best for you. - Kelly Scarbrough

Finding balance helps us prevent injury and burnout in our mental state and physical state. It helps us learn what our bodies need and when they need it. Balance also teaches us that it’s okay and healthy to say no sometimes.When I'm out of balance my mood is more sour and I tend to lose my patience with the loved ones around me. Personally, I am tired of starting over due to injuries so I know I need to balance running and rest to prevent them so I don't have to be out for a long period of time. I’m learning when I need to walk versus run and know the importance of taking full recovery days. I listen to what my body needs at that moment (currently taking Sundays completely off from training to rest and focus on my family and faith). When I'm in balance, I'm more joyful I'm more productive, and all around feel better. - Laura Murrieta

And here’s what I’ve learned about balancing running and rest over the years. You have to do what works for you. And that means learning from your mistakes and being willing to change the way you train based on your age, your responsibilities, and your different goals. When I first began long-distance running in 2008 (I’ve always been a recreational runner), I ran 5 days a week and was devotedly taking two full rest days a week. This allowed me to avoid injury and run very well for many years. Then in 2012, I discovered ultra running and soon went from 40-50 mile weeks to 60-80 mile weeks with few or zero rest days. Needless to say, it didn’t take long to develop things like tendinitis, hamstring strains, piriformis syndrome, and the list goes on. I was completely imbalanced and even ran through a lot of pain when taking time off would have either prevented those injuries or helped them heal faster. I’d like to say that I quickly struck a balance between running and rest but I’d be lying. It wasn’t until 2018 that I got serious about injury prevention. I had lost all motivation due to excessive time off and was completely tired of starting over. So now, although I workout 7 days a week, I run 4-5 days and then do serious aqua running on the other days (active recovery used for flexibility, strength training, and core work) and have finally found the balance I need in life to run well, put running into perspective, and live a balanced life all around.

So there you have it friends. The sooner you find the balance that you need in life between running and rest, the sooner you will have the right relationship with it. This will not only help you to become a better runner but will pour over into other areas of your life as well. Because truly, like Kelly said, everyone of us needs to find that happy medium. So find what works for you—remembering that “what” that is will change with time— and stick to it. Run and rest in the correct proportions and you’ll, like Laura said, be more joyful and more productive than you've ever been. Which leads to lots more smiling!!! And who doesn’t like that??

Happy Running!!!

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