Monday, August 31, 2020

The Helper is our Coach

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." John 14:26 NKJV

Are You Ready for a Running Coach? | ACTIVE
Upon being notified that one of my dearest running friends, Shannon, made the official "Bass Pro Marathon Pace Team" and would be my co-pacer for the 4:40 group, I sent her a message that read, "Better get training!!! The Lord has set a goal before us!!" "You know it. I better get training NOW!" she replied adding, "I'd love your training plan if you can recommend it." And although I am a running coach and write training plans for a lot of other people, I explained, "I actually don't use training plans. I pray on all of it. I know that's weird for a running coach to say but that's the way I do it for myself." And I love what Shannon, who has completed many marathons herself and shares my love for the Savior, wrote back, "That's funny. I haven't used a plan since 2009." "Then don't start now!" I wrote back smiling. “Let the Lord lead you." 

And you know, while most believers instinctively know they can turn to the Lord for guidance about spiritual matters, they don't realize that the Father has given us the "Helper, the Holy Spirit" to teach us ALL things. Which means we can count on Him to lead us according to God's will in absolutely every area of our lives—including our running. And since He knows us more intimately than anyone else, you can be sure that the training plan and guidance He provides will be specifically tailored to us as individuals. Think of it this way... through prayer, petition and regular Bible study, you and I have our own personal coach. Is that cool or what? 

So spend time in the Word every day my friend that you might come to personally know the Holy Spirit as your Guide, your Helper, your Teacher, and your Coach. After all, the closer you are to Him, the better able you will be to sense, hear and heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He guides you down the path to victory.

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Helper to teach us everything we need to know about life, running  and staying faithful to You. Give us a passion for your Word that we might grow in knowledge and walk closer to You each and every day. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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