Monday, August 3, 2020

Endure the pain patiently

"Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you." 1 Peter 2:20 NLT

In an article recently published by Runner's World Magazine, the topic of hip pain, a common injury that plagues many runners, was discussed. Among the six most common causes of hip pain in runners listed were muscles strains and tendinopathy (which account for a third of all hip pain in runners), hip impingement, osteoarthritis, labral tear, and stress fracture. Unfortunately though, no matter what the cause of the hip pain might be, it most always requires taking substantial time off from running to heal; which for many runners can be more painful than the actual injury itself for so many reasons. But ask any runner who’s returned to running after a period of injury and you will most likely hear about their newfound love and appreciation for an ability to move that they might have taken for granted. And for that reason you and I can be sure that there is always good that will come out of our pain if we patiently endure it.  

And you know, just as there is always good that will come out of our running pain, there is always good that will come out of the pain you and I, as believers, will experience in this life. And while that pain might be a consequence of something we are doing wrong, it many times will come as a result of something we are doing right—something like standing up for the Truth and refusing to conform to any values, ideas and narratives of the world that are contrary to God’s Word. These are things that can not only open us up to ridicule, defamation and harassment but can actually get us fired from our jobs or cause family, coworkers, and friends to ostracize us. But the Bible is very clear that “God is pleased” with us when we refuse to compromise our stand for Christ and choose instead to endure the consequences of “doing good” patiently. This not only brings a smile to His face my friend but strengthens our faith and the faith of those around us. 

So if you are suffering for “doing good” today and are finding your resolve to patiently endure the pain for doing so waning, let me encourage you to stay strong by reminding you that the Creator of all things is experiencing pleasure and satisfaction because of your efforts! That’s what it means to be pleased! And doesn’t the thought of pleasing God make enduring to the end worth it? Of course! So hang in there!!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that if we want to please You and lead the lost to the foot of the Cross, we must be willing to endure the consequences of setting ourselves completely apart from the world. Please give us the wisdom, strength and patient endurance we need to stay faithful and declare your Truth to a world so desperately in need of hearing it no matter the consequences. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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