Sunday, August 9, 2020

Allow God to remove your fear

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah" Psalm 46:1-3 ESV

Letting Go of Being the Hero, Having the Answers, and Solving ...
While filming a YouTube video with my coworker, Sean, for the latest FitFriday post we publish every week through the Health Department where I work as the Wellness Coordinator, he and I were talking about proper foot care for runners when the conversation inevitably turned to toenails. As a new runner who had gotten his first 'black toenail', Sean was interested in preventing another one. "The key is to cut your toenails as short as you can," I explained. Going a little further, I added, "Forgive me for being graphic but sometimes, especially if you have a toenail that repeatedly causes you pain, you'll need to remove the toenail completely." I then relayed a story of how the toenail on my left pinkie toe (which I had trimmed down to a tiny sliver rather than removing it completely as I should have) caused me so much pain that I had nearly dropped out of a long-distance race. 

And you know, while it's hard to imagine that something so tiny could cause a person to call it quits, I can vouch that it's the truth. Just as I can vouch that fear, even what seems to be a tiny amount of it, will have the same effect on our spiritual lives by rendering us incapable of taking another step. And surely if you and I watch the evening news, we can find a lot of things to be fearful about right now. I mean COVID-19, riots, political unrest, and economic instability are just a few we could name right? But guess what? "God is our refuge and strength" and "a very present help" in ALL trouble. And for that, you and I have absolutely no reason to fear... even if the earth gives way and the mountains are moved into the sea. We still have no reason to fear!

So if you've found yourself feeling fearful lately, even just a tiny bit, let me remind you that holding on to even the slightest bit of fear will keep you from being the warrior God is calling you and every other believer to be at this time. So allow God to completely remove your fear by reminding yourself over and over again that God is still on the throne, He will never fail, and He is forever faithful. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that those who have placed their trust in You have nothing at all to fear. Cause us to continually remember this Lord that we might courageously go out into the battle around us with a firm and unshakeable determination to be witnesses to the Truth and to bring the lost to the foot of the Cross. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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