Tuesday, May 19, 2020

MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Be the best you can be

Hello runner friends! Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Let's get started by talking about what it means to be the best runner you can be and a few ways you can get there. 
The Anual Bass Pro Marathon (With images) | Outdoor lover, Bass ...

So first, let's talk about what "best" really means. Does it mean that you're better than everyone else? That you win every race? Not always. Most times being the "best" means simply maximizing your individual potential and putting forth your utmost effort. And you do this by making the decision today to be better than you were yesterday - remembering that the pursuit of being the "best" you can be is a lifetime process and not an overnight transformation. Now that doesn't always mean running farther, faster or harder than you did the day before but simply finding at least one small way to better yourself each and every day. Think of it as a marathon... the first step is just the beginning. Repeated efforts, steps and determination is what will get you to the finish line.

So what are four things you can do today to be a better runner tomorrow?

5 Exercises to Sneak in at Work!

VOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF EACH MOMENT YOU HAVE. This is so important! Have you ever met those people who just seem to get a lot done? People that leave you scratching your head over how they do it all? These people don't have more time than anyone else, believe me. They just make the best use of the time they have by not wasting it. Case in point... one of my friends recently completed the internship he needed to obtain his Master's degree at the health department where I work. He had only been volunteering there about two weeks when he said, "Melissa, I've been watching you. You never waste a moment. You do your stretches during meetings. You lift weights at your desk, stand on one leg often and get up to personally deliver messages and then take an extra lap around the building before going back to your desk." And you know what? These small things add up! And they inspire others to be their best too. So be mindful and make the most of the time you have. 

Standing On One Leg pictures | Curated Photography on EyeEm

PRACTICE PROPRIOCEPTIVE EXERCISE. Proprioception is the awareness of the position and movement of the body. It's what allows us, for example, to walk in the dark without losing our balance or to distinguish between the brake and the accelerator without looking at our feet. Proprioceptive exercises then are exercises aimed at training (or retraining) the body's sense of its position in space, specifically it's sensation of limb and joint movement. One form of these proprioceptive exercises is balance training which has also been shown to prevent ankle re-injury and reduce the risk of ligament problems in athletes as well as improve mobility and prevent falls and injury. And it's easier than you think to work it into your every day life by being conscious of your time and multitasking. Here are some things to try:
  • Stand on one leg whenever you're waiting in line at the grocery store, bank, or even at the copier.
  • Stand on one leg while brushing your teeth; one minute on one leg while brushing the top teeth and one minute on the other leg while brushing the bottom teeth. 
  • Practice sitting down and getting up from a chair without using your hands.
  • Take a Tai Chi class.
  • Keep a wobble board in your office. stand on it during a break or whenever you're on the phone.
  • Get a stand up desk and take time throughout the day to stand on one leg. If your office won’t provide you with a stand up desk, consider buying your own. I bought one that sits on top of my desk and it was worth every penny. That's another change you can make today.... your mindset. Remember that you're worth investing in!!
Optimal Performance: The 9 Best Foods for Runners

GET YOUR EATING HABITS IN CHECK. Remember what I said about investing in yourself? This is one of the best ways you can invest in your health and something you can change today. Practice these six healthy eating habits and you'll notice a change in your mood, in your performance, in your waistline and in your sleep. Yes! What you eat can affect all that because, plain and simple, what you put in is what you get out. 
  • Eat your fruits and vegetables. Shoot for at least four to five cups of vegetables each day and two fruits. 
  • Hydrate properly. As a general guideline, drink about half of your body weight in ounces each day, more if you're active. 
  • Eat your breakfast. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast boosts your energy. And don't worry, if you're an early morning runner, you can eat your breakfast after your workout. 
  • Don't skip the post-run snack. To ensure proper recovery - especially after a hard workout or a long session - make sure to eat a 200-300 calorie snack within 30-45 minutes of finishing. Shoot for foods high in protein and carbohydrates and try to add in anti-inflammatory foods, such as walnuts and avocados. 
  • Eat slowly. We all know what it's like to feel "rungry" but to avoid eating more calories than you burn off, take your time. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal of "fullness" from your stomach. 
  • Avoid processed food. Seriously, this is really important. Processed foods are full of sugars, preservatives and trans-fats and are usually stripped of any nutritional value. Treat your body good and it will thank you. 
Books | The Manual

STRENGTH TRAIN THE MIND AND THE BODY. Want to be the "best"? Then use your time to the best of your ability. Keep resistance bands at your desk and use them to strengthen your hips and legs. Keep free weights there too. Do bicep curls or tricep extensions when you're waiting for a page to load or are reading an article or work report. And speaking of reading, use your free time to learn! And make the most of that free time by asking yourself, "Is what I'm reading or listening to helping to make me better than I was yesterday? Is it serving to help me the best me that I can be?" If the answer is no, then find something that will. Making the most of each moment you have requires constant thought and effort but it's so worth it! You are worth it!

And on a final note, I do hope you'll remember that you are a work in progress. You will never be perfect and that's okay! What you can be, though, from this moment forward no matter your age, health, or fitness level is a person committed to being better than you were yesterday. No excuses! Make today the day that you say, "I'm going to take that first step because I'm worth it. God said it and I believe it. So I will no longer settle for being merely good anymore. I want to be the best that I can be and I will put in the work to make it happen."  ðŸ˜Š

Happy Running!!!

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