Tuesday, May 12, 2020

MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Have a little fun

Hello runner friends! Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about ways to make running more fun! And how it can make you a better runner.

So raise your hand if you’re training for an important goal right now! Okay, now raise your hand if you’re so caught up in that goal that running feels like a chore. 

If you're relatively new to running then you probably don't remember a time before GPS watches tracked your miles, your heart rate and a host of other things and could instantly download that data to Strava or another running app. Now this is great if you're into tracking things like this or want to compete with your friends but it also has a downside... it can make you obsessive about your performance or lack of it. Which is exactly why it's so necessary to take a break from time to time and run for the fun of it!

Would you believe that there was a time not very long ago when runners had no way to track their mileage unless they drove the route in their car? It's true! And because of this, I used to train for marathons by time - clueless as to what mileage I was actually running. And guess what? I enjoyed it so much more! I even passed that advice on to my sister who was growing increasingly frustrated with her training plan. "I'm never going to qualify for Boston!" she cried out to me one day nearly in tears. After calming her down, I suggested she train for a set amount of time rather than a set distance. And guess what? She qualified and had fun doing it. 

Now I'm not saying that every person should train this way. But every person should lower their expectations from time to time and have a little fun with running. And remember, consistency over time is what makes a runner successful, not one workout or long run -  which means having an occasional fun day or week won't impact your fitness negatively or your ability to achieve your goal. And remember this too, if running isn't paying your bills, don't take it so seriously. 

So let's look at some ways to have fun....

Your Three-Step Guide To Joining A Running Group - Women's Running
Join a running group
Running with a group is not only a great way to pass the time on a long run but can be so fun on any run. I have several running groups that I'm a part of and I will tell you that we have had some very strange conversations that have made me laugh hysterically! If you're training for a specific goal, you might not want to join your running posse every day but once a week would definitely have you smiling and more motivated to stick to your training on the other days. 

Explore a new trail
Drive somewhere random to run (taking safety precautions of course). Ask your friends what their favorite routes are and check them out for yourself. Sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need to put the fun back in running. 

The most impressive Strava GPS drawings we've seen so far
Download a new app
If you haven't made art out of your running route yet, you're definitely missing out on the opportunity to make running fun. I have a friend who one day spent a whole afternoon running the word FROGHILL on a football field to promote a race we put on. He had a blast and got in a great workout! Get creative. The possibilities are endless!

When to Challenge Someone to Duel - ReCraigslist
Challenge someone
Are you a competitive person? Challenge a friend or friends to join you for an impromptu race or to see who can do 10 hill repeats first. Get creative in your challenges and, for extra motivation, put a friendly wager like a pizza or beverage on the line. A couple of years ago, a friend challenged me to a "taco challenge" in which she and I would eat tacos at the three hour mark of a six hour race and attempt to keep them down. I accepted the challenge and it made the race so much more fun! I ate more than my friend and so she had to declare me the winner! But we both won because we both had fun.

Running Forrest Gump Costume | Carbon Costume | DIY Dress-Up ...
Go for a run without a pace, distance or route in mind
In other words, channel your inner Forrest Gump and leave the GPS watch at home. After all, they weren't around at the time Forrest made his famous journey across the United States and he was just fine. And for some added fun, you can even dress like him!

And on a final note, I hope you'll remember that life is a journey and each day you are blessed with along that journey is a gift. So take time to breathe in the beauty of each moment. Stop to smell the flowers. Stand in awe at the beauty of each sunrise. Listen to nature all around you and express gratefulness to the One who created it. Take the time to have a little fun! This one life is all you have so make the most of it. ðŸ˜Š

Happy Running!!!

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