Monday, May 25, 2020

The most faithful Friend

"I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me." Psalm 16:8 NLT

Walking in the Footprints of Jesus : Week Three
If there's one thing runners love it's running. I know that. All runners know that. So when my dear friend, Rachel, asked me to join her on an upcoming Memorial Day run, I told her that I would be there but I would be walking the course because of a hamstring injury that wasn't fully healed. "I'll walk it with you," she said. "Really? Wow!" was my response knowing that the majority of runners would not have sacrificed their time to do this. And not only did Rachel walk it with me, we walked an extra mile because we were enjoying it so much. I surely couldn't have thanked Rachel enough for her kindness. It really is great to have a friend like that. 

And you know, while it's great to have a faithful friend, it's even better to have the faithful Friend. The One who, the Bible tells us, is “always” with us. Did you get that always part? That means the Lord walks by our side at all times, on all occasions and in all places. And for that very reason, you and "I will not be shaken." You see, when we truly know and understand that the Lord is always with us, as David did, we will have no fear in the face of trials, troubles or temptations because we know that we are not alone. I don't know about you my friend but that makes me smile. 

So if you find yourself struggling with worry, anxiety, fear, loneliness or depression today, won't you ask the Lord to come alongside you and to walk with you now and all the days of your life? I can assure you that it will be the best decision you will ever make.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being faithful to us even when aren’t faithful to You. Please cause us to continually  remember that You never leave our side Lord so we can have total peace in the midst of anything we are going through. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

So thankful for friends like Rachel:). God was so good to give us friends like this. 

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